Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nicotine & Smoking Facts : How Does Smoking Affect the Heart?

Smoking affects the heart by causing decreased oxygen in the vascular system, which makes the heart to work harder to pump blood and oxygen throughout the body. Get information on how tar and chemicals from cigarettes can build up in the heart, causing cardiovascular problems, with tips from a master of hypnotism therapy in this free video on smoking cigarettes.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wilfred on FX - Signs

Don't Miss the New FX Original Comedy, Wilfred. Series Premiere Thurs. June 23 10PM ET/PT only on FX.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quit Smoking Log - 6 mths 10 days

Sometimes stressful situations can lead an ex-smoker to smoke again. When times get tough, we must be strong and mentally overcome our weaknesses. Mind over matter. Health over illness. The stress will pass and life will go on. You don't want to be a smoker again when the fog clears only to be creating new "smog". Peace, stay strong

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Hass-geliebte Zigarette #5 (Love-Hate Cigarettes)

Follows 4 people as they attempt to quit smoking - documentary / dokumentation Viele Raucher wollen sie loswerden, die geliebte Zigarette, aber nur die wenigsten schaffen es. Das Rauchen ist dem Raucher wichtiger als seine Gesundheit. Da mag der zur Abstinenz Entschlossene noch so husten und röcheln und da mögen seine Vorsätze noch so gut sein, der Tabak verführt auf seine ganz eigene Art und schaltet die Vernunft auf Null. Aber Abhilfe naht. Unzählige Anbieter von Raucher-Entwöhnungskursen nutzen die Nöte der Süchtigen. Das Angebot ist ebenso vielfältig wie unübersichtlich, aber oft genug ziemlich wirkungslos. Sicher ist nur, dass in dieser Branche mittlerweile horrende Summen verdient werden. Die Palette der Kurse reicht von Gesprächstherapie über Hypnose, Akupunktur und Handauflegen bis hin zum Internet-Chat mit Gleichgesinnten. Die Reportage von Philipp Engel begleitet vier gestandene Raucher bei ihren Bemühungen, sich das Qualmen abzugewöhnen.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Smoking Cessation Clinical Research Study - Boise

Making the commitment to quit smoking is a great first step, but it can also be a challenge. If you're ready to quit smoking, are between the ages of 18 and 75 and currently smoke ten or more cigarettes per day, you may be interested in a research study. Advanced Clinical Research is evaluating the use of investigational drugs to aid individuals in their quest to quit smoking. Smoking cessation counseling and all study related medical care will be provided. Compensation is available for time and travel. Call ACR to see if you qualify at 208 377-8653, ext 102 or visit

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Quick Hello -

Hey All! First off, sorry about the sound, this is why I do not do outside vlogs! It picks up everything! I just thought I would make a quick video and say hello, I think it is rude to go so long without making just anything! I was on campus today and it was so nice, so I thought I would throw this together. Thanks for be such loyal subscribers. Muah xoxo -John-

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