Monday, November 30, 2009

Feeling faint after leaving Cigarettes - Is it Treatable

If you have recently stopped cigarette or thinking about quitting, you may be concerned about feeling withdrawal symptoms of disease and ill. You're not alone. Nausea is one of the side effects most common nicotine withdrawal. It can occur several days after having been closed, or a night after your last cigarette. And the period for which it lasts can vary from minute to weeks.

What Makes Us Feel Sick after leaving

A variety of factorstogether to create this sickening feeling in our stomachs when we have not had our "dose of nicotine. First, nicotine is a powerful stimulant. This causes our nervous system, stomach and intestines to overreact. Finally, our body learns to compensate. When nicotine is gone, our hormones and body chemicals fluctuate with the chaos that ensued resulting in feelings of nausea.

Another factor nausea from nicotine withdrawal is our blood sugar. When you smoke, your body to adapt toconstant glucose spikes caused by chemical reactions of nicotine in the bloodstream. After we leave, the symptoms of hypoglycemia may be present while we readjust. This can include nausea and headache.

In addition, nicotine can cause or contribute to these digestive issues:

Leaky gut syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The exact printing experience varies greatly from person to person. In the worst cases, some peoplereported symptoms lasting for weeks, with a resurgence in the morning. Usually, however, they disappear after a week or two, when our body readjusts

Relief of nicotine induced nausea

You currently have several options for reducing nausea caused by nicotine withdrawal. The most common prescription drugs. While they can sometimes be effective, they often cause many side effects are especially dizziness and nausea (go figure).

Some of us find someSimple dietary changes are sufficient. Drinking green tea with honey and eat a light, healthy, palatable meals may be enough to cure mild nausea right after leaving.

Increasingly available are a new generation of cessation programs to quit smoking. These systems are taking into account both the psychological dependence and addiction to nicotine physical. In addressing the problem comprehensively, numerous withdrawal symptoms that oftenCo-exist can be eliminated. These include nausea, anxiety, depression, cravings, and more.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Best Stop Smoking Program - Quit smoking quickly and easily

Most people who smoke want to get rid of this bad habit, but it's very difficult to achieve. The urge to smoke is much stronger than the will of the people. People who do not smoke can not really understand how it really is and how much effort it takes. It has nothing to do with the desire or the will and find a simple program that can help people quit smoking is that smokers really need.

The best program to stop smoking

The human brain is like acomputer and can be programmed and re-programmed. When the desire to smoke is deeply engraved in the subconscious mind, changing it is not possible with only the will. The key is to reprogram the mind, if the desire of not smoking is deeply etched in the subconscious. This can be done very efficiently with the latest NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming).

Many times people try to force him to quit, but it does not work. Expensive pills and patchesand all sorts of aid, which appear everywhere are not effective. Smokers are looking for something that is very effective, works quickly and is very simple.

Quitting smoking is only difficult if you use the wrong methods, but if you use the right methods, then it is very easy. For some reason most people try to do things the hard way, never even considering that there may be a far better and more efficiently. You can quit now if youget the best anti-tobacco, with a success rate of 99.7%. It does not get better than that.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Benefits after quitting

You've finally decided to quit, and while you know the general health benefits you'll experience, you may want to learn more about how your body feels after you quit smoking. Here some of the health improvements you can expect, and some of the psychological and emotional benefits of being smoke free.

First, you need to know that you will experience immediate benefits after quitting smoking.About twenty minutes after you made the choice to abandon the habit, your blood pressure goes down and your heart rate decreases. After quitting smoking for 12 hours, your level of carbon monoxide will be reduced to normal, which means you can start breathing easier and may feel less tired.

Once you have stopped smoking for a few months, your eyelashes or the tiny hairs that remove the mucus from the lungs are restored to their normal function, sothat the risk of contracting respiratory diseases will be reduced. Your circulation will improve after quitting smoking as well, which means you'll have more energy to exercise and be able to complete the tasks of the day without faltering.

Years after quitting smoking, your doctor will be able to say that your risk of conditions such as coronary heart disease was reduced by half. In addition, your risk of contractingstroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker after you've been smoke free for 5 to 15 years.

While many of these benefits are long term, there are several immediate benefits you will experience after they quit smoking. Your breath will feel better (it can sometimes be very difficult to get rid of the smell of nicotine in the mouth), and your teeth will be whiter. The smell that settled in the clothing and hair of smokers will have disappeared, so you do notmust continue to use perfumes and air fresheners to try to mask the smell of nicotine.

Many smokers have nails yellow or brown, because of smoking, but after you kick the habit, the fungus in your nails will start to subside as well. Smoking affects your sense of taste too, so after quitting, May you find that your food tastes better, and you want to experiment with different recipes and foods that you may not have eatenbefore.

In addition to all these health benefits, you may notice that you can save a considerable sum of money. Smoking is a very expensive habit, you may find that you will save hundreds of dollars per year once you become free smoke.

Want to learn more about how you can maintain a healthy life after quitting smoking? Visit the website of the American Lung Association for more details.

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