For those who know not commit to stop your smoking habits, we'll take a look at some facts of persuasion;
- Increases in mortality rates of smokers by 40% in those who smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day, 70% among those who smoke 10-19 a day, from 90% in those who smoke 20-39 a day, and 120% in those who smoke two packs or more per day.
-Research by the Canadian Lung Association has found that tobacco kills between 40,000-45,000 Canadians ayear, more than the total number of deaths caused by traffic accidents, AIDS, murder, fires, accidental poisoning and suicide.
-Half of smokers die from a disease resulting from smoking
The tobacco-related diseases kill approximately 438,000 U.S. citizens per year or 1,200 per day, making it the leading cause of preventable death in the United States
-According to WHO, tobacco kills more than one billion people this century.
-Those who have ever smoked tobacco are tenchances of developing lung Cancer. One in six men who continue to smoke tobacco developed lung Cancer.
"A particular risk of contacting diseases related to smoking is directly proportional to the length of time and amount of the individual continues to smoke. However, if a person stops smoking successfully their risks gradually decrease as the damage caused their body is repaired.
- The benefits of quitting are immediate:blood pressure, heart rate and temperature return to normal reduces the risk of heart attack and improves circulation.
-Children under 40 are five times more likely to have a heart attack if they smoke.
-Loss of teeth occurs 2 to 3 times more often among smokers than among non-smokers.
-Smoking kills sperm cells.
-The prevalence of erectile dysfunction is 85% higher in smokers than it is in non-smokers.
-Studies have shown that smoking contributes to manymiscarriages among pregnant smokers. Both firsthand and secondhand smoke contributes to an equal danger to the health of the fetus.
-There is a significant correlation between the syndrome of sudden infant death syndrome and smoking, a greater concentration of nicotine and cotinine is present in the lungs of these children than those who die of other causes.
Other diseases related to smoking: (courtesy of Wikipedia)
Many forms of cancer, particularly lung cancer, cancerthe kidney, cancer of the larynx and head and neck, breast, bladder, esophagus, pancreas and stomach. There is evidence suggesting an increased risk of myeloid leukemia, cancer cell sinus squamous cell cancer, liver cancer, cervical, colorectal cancer after an extended latency, childhood cancers and cancers of the gallbladder bladder, adrenal glands and small intestine.
Cardiovascular diseases
Peripheral vascular disease
The common cold and bronchitis
Chronic pulmonary obstructive emphysema and chronic bronchitis, especially
Congenital malformations in offspring of pregnant smokers
Buerger disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)
Cataracts which may cause blindness
Cognitive dysfunction
Increased risk of Alzheimer disease and decline in cognitive abilities
Reduced memory and cognitive abilities in adolescent smokers
Brain shrinkage (cerebral atrophy)
The number of people dying on both first and second hand smoke is staggering. The extent of smoking related diseases is enormous. Considering all the data compiled above, your risk of dying or contact and suffers from a painful disease often fatal to the direct result of you smoking is important.
While I tried to compile the data for this article, I was taken aback by the endless list if diseases and mortalitystatistics I found. I was well aware that smoking is dangerous and unhealthy habit, we are told that every day in the news, at an office of doctors and friends and family. However, most of us are unaware of the scope of serious health problems caused by smoking and not taking the warnings to heart. All smoking-if you're a mother, father, son or friend are both to yourself and your family at risk with your habit. The more we know the facts, the easierwill to act on our decision to quit.
The most important fact should be remembered is that, however - The benefits of quitting are immediate: blood pressure, heart rate and temperature return to normal reduces the risk of heart attack and movement improves.
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