When you stop smoking you will find that many things happen. These are a short list of what happens after you quit smoking, to prepare you for the steps. Remember that you will be healthier and cut out many possible medical problems when you stop smoking.
Within the first twenty minutes after you've quit smoking you're going to have more carbon monoxide in your system. It will become normal around eight hours after your last smoke. While from two weeks to three months you're going to see that you will feel better.
Your circulation will be better, as will your stamina. You will also notice that you can smell things better than you had in a while. In between a month to nine months of time you will see more energy come your way. Plus that annoying cough should be gone, as well as any headaches.
After a year of no smoking the chances of heart disease affecting you have been cut in half. It may be a tough road, but it's one that you can accomplish. Putting all your motivation into not smoking and enjoy the fact that your healthy once again.
You can even avoid a problem that many people face with weight gain. Do this by carrying around something that isn't too loaded with calories to snack on. When you get that craving for a cigarette, eat a carrot or some celery. Even a small bag of pretzels will work.
You are going to be breathing better, so add in some exercise to help out too. You can also check out different prescriptions that can help you quit smoking if you want. Some people have even seen assistance through the use of hypnosis when it comes to quitting smoking.
Remember it will be easy the more that you want to succeed.
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