Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nicotine & Smoking Facts : How Does Smoking Affect the Heart?

Smoking affects the heart by causing decreased oxygen in the vascular system, which makes the heart to work harder to pump blood and oxygen throughout the body. Get information on how tar and chemicals from cigarettes can build up in the heart, causing cardiovascular problems, with tips from a master of hypnotism therapy in this free video on smoking cigarettes.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wilfred on FX - Signs

Don't Miss the New FX Original Comedy, Wilfred. Series Premiere Thurs. June 23 10PM ET/PT only on FX.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quit Smoking Log - 6 mths 10 days

Sometimes stressful situations can lead an ex-smoker to smoke again. When times get tough, we must be strong and mentally overcome our weaknesses. Mind over matter. Health over illness. The stress will pass and life will go on. You don't want to be a smoker again when the fog clears only to be creating new "smog". Peace, stay strong

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Hass-geliebte Zigarette #5 (Love-Hate Cigarettes)

Follows 4 people as they attempt to quit smoking - documentary / dokumentation Viele Raucher wollen sie loswerden, die geliebte Zigarette, aber nur die wenigsten schaffen es. Das Rauchen ist dem Raucher wichtiger als seine Gesundheit. Da mag der zur Abstinenz Entschlossene noch so husten und röcheln und da mögen seine Vorsätze noch so gut sein, der Tabak verführt auf seine ganz eigene Art und schaltet die Vernunft auf Null. Aber Abhilfe naht. Unzählige Anbieter von Raucher-Entwöhnungskursen nutzen die Nöte der Süchtigen. Das Angebot ist ebenso vielfältig wie unübersichtlich, aber oft genug ziemlich wirkungslos. Sicher ist nur, dass in dieser Branche mittlerweile horrende Summen verdient werden. Die Palette der Kurse reicht von Gesprächstherapie über Hypnose, Akupunktur und Handauflegen bis hin zum Internet-Chat mit Gleichgesinnten. Die Reportage von Philipp Engel begleitet vier gestandene Raucher bei ihren Bemühungen, sich das Qualmen abzugewöhnen.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Smoking Cessation Clinical Research Study - Boise

Making the commitment to quit smoking is a great first step, but it can also be a challenge. If you're ready to quit smoking, are between the ages of 18 and 75 and currently smoke ten or more cigarettes per day, you may be interested in a research study. Advanced Clinical Research is evaluating the use of investigational drugs to aid individuals in their quest to quit smoking. Smoking cessation counseling and all study related medical care will be provided. Compensation is available for time and travel. Call ACR to see if you qualify at 208 377-8653, ext 102 or visit

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Quick Hello -

Hey All! First off, sorry about the sound, this is why I do not do outside vlogs! It picks up everything! I just thought I would make a quick video and say hello, I think it is rude to go so long without making just anything! I was on campus today and it was so nice, so I thought I would throw this together. Thanks for be such loyal subscribers. Muah xoxo -John-

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Half & Half "The Big Hit It & Quit It" (Pt 2)

Season 1 Ep 11. Dee Dee and Neil have intimacy issues. Mona starts smoking again. Entertainment Purpose Only.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

World's best amazing photos - Part 4

Thank you for watching this video, You can subscribe to this channel by pushing the "subscribe" button above the video, Orenyaro The story behind the photos: Photo number 10: The Bagger 288 (Excavator 288), built by the German company Krupp for the energy and mining firm Rheinbraun, is a bucket-wheel excavator or mobile strip mining machine. When its construction was completed in 1978, Bagger 288 superseded NASA's Crawler-Transporter, used to carry the Space Shuttle and Apollo Saturn V launch vehicle, as the largest land vehicle in the world at 13500 tons. Photo number 9: A Photo by National Geographic, showing a photographer filming a blue whale, The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales (called Mysticeti).[3] At 30 meters (98 ft)[4] in length and 180 metric tons (200 short tons)[5] or more in weight, it is the largest animal ever known to have existed. Photo number 8: This photo shows a car that felled into a huge sinkhole. A sinkhole, also known as swallow hole, is a natural depression or hole in the Earth's surface caused by karst processes — the chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffusion processes for example in sandstone. Sinkholes may vary in size from 1 to 600 meters (3.3 to 2000 ft) both in diameter and depth. Sinkholes may be formed gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide. Photo Number 7: That man in the top of this photo, That's Captain Brian Bews and he's lucky to be alive. The skilled ...

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Affirmations - Inspiring Video

The movie "The Secret" sends a powerful message. Using affirmations and The Law of Attraction can play a big part in the outcome of ones life. Watch this video from The Secret on Affirmations, If you haven't seen the video The Secret, it is a must see. For more on affirmations and tools for affirmations, visit Thoughts repeated regularly and systematically sink into the subconscious mind and become habitual. Affirmations as these are called are have been used by many of the greatest people of our society. Finding the right affirmation must come from within. It is important that they are written in your own words since the subconscious will react better to your own thoughts than to the thoughts of someone else. Start by taking notice of what you want to change in yourself. Write down on paper your thoughts, desires and feelings that you wish to improve upon. Then you need to use words and phrases in a positive manner rather than a negative manner. As an example, if you wanted to quit smoking, you don't want to program your Mindmaster unit with a message like "Cigarette smoking makes me sick" because you will in turn cause yourself to get sick. It is better to program a message like "I am a non-smoker" or "I am healthy and dislike the smell and taste of cigarette smoke" thereby telling the subconscious to see a different you. It is important to choose your words wisely. You don't want to program yourMindmaster with words like "I want" because no change ...

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Smoking is Haram in Islam FATWA RELEASED

Smoking is Harâm Muhammad Afifi It is evident beyond doubt that smoking is injurious to health. Allah says in the Qur'an: "And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction" (2:195). Muslim scholars in the past differed in opinion regarding smoking because of lack of evidence relating cigarette smoking to disease. Those who considered Makruh (a hated act) regarded this lack of evidence. But since 30 years ago the evidence clearly demonstrates that smoking is injurious to health. The majority of Ahl Sunnah wal-Jama'ah scholars and Jumhur have clearly stated that smoking is Haram. Quotes from some scholars: Shaykh Abu Bakr Jabir al-Jazairi a Professor in Islamic University of Madinah and a famous teacher in Masjid an-Nabawi has clearly explained the 'Hukm' of smoking derived from the Qur'an and the Sunnah: "Anything that harms the human body is Haram" "The consensus (Ijma') of Ulama', prohibits the act of destroying property unnecessarily or using it not for the path of Shara' as in the case of smoking" "Bringing harm to others is Harâm and so does smoking" "It is clear that Sharia' condemns smoking as a disgraceful and damaging act. Smoking is an act of sin and it is wrong for it is Haram and it is Wajib to abstain from it." Ibn Hajr in his 'Fath al-Mubin' gave 2 points why smoking is Haram in Islam: The act leads to harmful effects, whether noticed or unseen. It will cause the body to suffer. The Prophet (saw) said: "Do not hurt yourselves nor injure others ...

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Johnny Depp Uses an Electronic Cigarette.mp4 http Johnny Depp Uses an Electronic Cigarette The Tourist is a 2010 thriller film directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. It is a remake of the 2005 French film Anthony Zimmer. electronic cigarette, ecigarette, electric cigarette, ecig

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Pregnancy Vlog 3 weeks 5 days

I made Youtube Partner! My due date is August 22, 2011. I am so excited, still taking pregnancy tests to produce a darker line for hubby. I am talking about in this video how I stopped smoking cigs "cold turkey", giving you a review of early pregnancy tests. EPT vs FRER. More pics of darker test results. James reaction is coming soon.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


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Friday, November 4, 2011

2pac & Tim Roth - No smoker area

One of the funniest scenes in the 1996's movie "Gridlock'd", with Tupac Shakur and Tim Roth playing two junkies attempting to quit with drugs. According to me, a great underrated movie, we miss you Pac.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Motion City Soundtrack - "Her Words Destroyed My Planet" Live at WBRU

Motion City Soundtrack performs "Her Words Destroyed My Planet" live on-air at 95.5 WBRU-FM in Providence, RI on January 19th, 2010, the day their new CD My Dinosaur Life was released!

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

8-8-88 afflicted my activity always - Shammi Kapoor Unplugged

8-8-88 changed my life forever - Shammi Kapoor Unplugged. 8-8-1988 will always remain a very important day in Bollywood Superstar Shammiji's life. Find out why... Log on to to watch more Web Shows.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Schattenseiten - Vom Rauchen und Leiden #3 (Smoking)

Smoking in bars and clubs... cigarette smoking and health consequences... Der Film von Philipp Engel zeigt an eindrucksvollen Beispielen die Folgen des Zigarettenkonsums. Zu sehen sind Ärzte und Patienten in der gefäßchirurgischen Abteilung des Frankfurter Krankenhauses Nordwest bei Lungenresektionen und Beinamputationen. Aber wer glaubt, dass das Krankenhaus der richtige Ort ist, sich von seiner Nikotinsucht zu befreien, wird eines Besseren belehrt. Es gibt kaum einen Ort, an dem man die tödlichen Auswirkungen des Rauchens drastischer vor Augen geführt bekommt, als in der gefäßchirurgischen Abteilung des Frankfurter Nordwestkrankenhauses. Viele Lungenkrebs-Patienten sind jung, manche nicht einmal 20 Jahre alt. Häufig muss bei einem Lungenkarzinom der Tumor erst einmal durch Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie verkleinert werden, ehe er in einer Operation entfernt wird. Dabei wird entweder ein Lungenlappen oder - bei einem großen Bronchialkarzinom - ein ganzer Lungenflügel und die betroffenen Lymphknoten entnommen. Die meisten Patienten haben trotz Operation nur noch eine geringe Überlebenschance, da die Krebszellen bereits andere Organe befallen haben. Einigen bleiben nur noch Wochen oder Monate. Andere haben vergleichsweise Glück gehabt, sie haben ein Bein verloren, statt ganze Teile der Lunge. Wer aber glaubt, ein Krankenhaus wäre genau der Ort, um endlich vom Rauchen abzulassen, der irrt. Nicht nur Ärzte und Pfleger greifen in der Pause gern zur Kippe, selbst Patienten, dem ...

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

stop smoker calmly with analgesic - amazing 95% success!

A video of the smoking cessation guru Rob Kelly showing how he uses hypnosis, applied psychology, NLP and other techniqus to stop people smoking in just one hour. This guy is amazing. See his website for hypnotherapy training courses. He has stopped more than 6000 smokers this way, and teaches other therapists - see

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Lung Cancer Facts : What Is Staging of Lung Cancer?

The staging of lung cancer includes stages one and two, which means the cancer is localized and might be removed with surgery, and stages three and four, where the cancer is too advanced for surgery. Understand the stages of lung cancer with helpful information from a practicing oncologist in this free video on cancer. Expert: Dr. Kenneth Fink Contact: Bio: Dr. Kenneth Fink has been a medical doctor in the field of internal medicine specializing in hematology and oncology for 23 years. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sunrise Avenue

Über cool Finnish band Sunrise Avenue helps you to quit smoking. Check out the web site where you find kick-ass ring tones, help lines and other supporting stuff for the those haunted by nicotine. This "making-of" clip was shot during the recording sessions with Jyrki69, Illi, Pete Seppälä, Roni, Elastinen and Valvomon Sedät.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

What Happens Next: Smoking

Did you ever wonder what goes on inside the body after you smoke a cigarette? And what happens if you quit? Dr. Keller Wortham fills you in.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Green Smoke Review and Comparison

Comparing The Green Smoke Electronic Cigarette with Competitors. Follow this link for 10%

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How To Quit Smoking -- How To Quit Smoking -- How to Quit Smoking Successfully Today without the use of Expensive Patches, Pills, or Gum How to quit smoking successfully has become a quest for millions of individuals who are addicted to nicotine and other chemicals that are contained in cigarettes. Unfortunately, for the majority of individuals the patches, gums, and medications - including prescriptions - fail to work as they only have a one-dimensional approach and fail to treat the numerous underlying factors that need to be resolved in order to quit smoking successfully. What stops many individuals from even attempting to quit, is the fear of gaining an excessive amount of weight. If you would like to learn how to quit smoking successfully without the use of expensive over-the-counter patches or aids as well as learn how to cope with your cravings and avoid the weight gain that some people fear, you can do so by visiting us at:

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Half & Half "The Big Hit It & Quit It" (Pt 1)

Season 1 Ep 11. Dee Dee and Neil have intimacy issues. Mona starts smoking again. Entertainment Purpose Only.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ep. 1: 8 Canadian Smokers Share Why They're Ready to SMOBER UP™

Eight Canadian smokers begin their journey by sharing the emotional and inspirational reasons behind their decision to quit smoking. In this first of ten webisodes, Ray Zahab, champion ultra-marathoner and former pack-a-day smoker introduces us to Shelley, Sumit, KJ, Jaime, Fraser, Kathleen, Kevin and John -- all very different individuals with unique stories to share about their motivation to become -- and remain -- smoke-free, with help from clinical therapist Jessica Schwey and NICORETTE®.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quit Smoking - the NicoDerm Patch and Commit Lozenges

Smoking has been identified as the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States. To have a better chance of succeeding, smokers need access to counseling, behavioral support programs and FDA approved stop smoking products.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quitting Smoking - Losing Weight - Getting Pretty: DAY 2

Here's day two. I think I got the "Uuhhmm"s under control now... just gotta get rid of the "Soooo YEAH!"s now. Haha. *Measurements* - Bustline: 34" - Waist: 31" - Stomach: 40" - Hips: 39" Have a good weekend everyone!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Take A Cigarette Break-Up

Thinking of quitting smoking? Lahey Clinic wants to help. Here's our approach: No finger-pointing. No scary statistics. Just straightforward information and tools to help you quit. If this sounds good to you, we'd love to invite you to join us to check out our new Freedom From Smoking group. The first session happens on Monday, February 7, 2011. WHEN: Monday, February 7, 2011 5:30pm WHERE: Lahey Clinic, Burlington Lobby Conference Room - 4th Floor WHY: You can do it. 2011 is your year!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank you for Smoking: A Quitters Vlog: Day 6

If you would like to join us in our quest to quit smoking feel free to make a video and post it as a responce video to this video. Not every state sells Quest smokes. Please check out their web site to see if they sell it where you are. If you don't live were these are sold you can also order them online. We did that from this web site. http

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Quitting Smoking-What you charge to know In order to enhance your length and quality of life quitting smoking can be one of the most important steps that you take.This is not a easy step for someone to do but it can be done.You need to know what you are up against in order to have the best chance of quitting and staying that way.You will need to know what you are up against,what your options are, and where to go for help.The reason why people have trouble quitting smoking is because of nicotine.Nicotine is a drug and it is found naturally in tobacco.It is as addictive to a person as heroin or cocaine.A person can over time become physically and emotionally addicted to nicotine.According to studies it has been shown that smokers must deal with both the physical and psychological (mental) dependency in order to quit and stay quit.Nicotine is carried deep into your lungs when you inhale smoke.It is then absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout your body.Nicotine can affect many parts of your body.These include your heart and blood vessels,your hormones,the way your body uses food(metabolism),and your brain.There are different factors that affect how long it takes the body to remove nicotine and its by-products.Regular smokers will still have nicotine or its by-products in their bodies for 3 or 4 days after stopping smoking.Nicotine will cause pleasant feelings that will make the smoker want to smoke more.It will also act as a depressant by interfering with the flow of information ...

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Vlog: Quitting Smoking

So yeah, 'Im quitting and wanted to give you all an update on how that's going for me and maybe some helpful advice on how you can quit too. If you're trying to quit too let me know, maybe we can be support buddies to quit together! XD Rate, Comment, Subscribe.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Graphic Australian Anti-Smoking Ad

Anti-smoking campaigns in Australia are getting tougher and more confronting and this latest ad is no exception. More info at

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Sunday, August 14, 2011


Why Choose SmokerHaven: SmokerHaven flavors made in the USA. SmokerHaven flavors tastes good & fresh. ... Could smoke anywhere, anytime. Very high success rate on quitting real cigarettes for good! SmokerHaven pack charges the cigarettes while you're on the go No tar, no tobacco, no ash & no smell Looks, feels, and tastes like a real cigarette 75% cheaper than traditional cigarettes 6 months Warranty Dedicated Technical Service Centre (The only one in the industry) The most extensive e-cig network. Excellent customer support with toll free number 1300 88 ECIG Be a smart user so that you won't regret later. SmokerHaven should be your only choice!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Use Champix – A accepted abdicate smoker treatment

A majority of the population has developed the unhealthy habit of smoking, which is known to cause severe health complications. Even people who are in their teen ages have developed this unhealthy habit, which is more out of fashion. But little do these people know that showing themselves off as following a fash
ion trend, is actually making them a dead and a hollow person from inside. The nicotine content in one cigarette is so addictive that your brain becomes completely dependent on it. In the process it finds it difficult to deal with the stressful conditions that you go through, ultimately making it difficult for you to quit smoking. Ultimately, all of your attempts at smoking cessation are overpowered by the urge to smoke or the cravings for nicotine. The major culprit that ends in failing all your attempts at smoking cessation is the continuous supply of nicotine, that your body has been receiving over time.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

The Take a Shot to Quit Smoking Scheme: Is it Safe and Effective

More and more smokers are hearing about the take a shot to quit smoking procedure, and are curious as to whether they should get it o
r not. That's understandable, because the clinics performing the procedure make some really amazing claims about the quit smoking shot. Unfortunately, their success rates may be over exaggerated, and the drugs used in the take a shot to quit smoking procedure can cause some serious side-effects..

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Quit Smoking By Evaluating The Methods You Have Tried

Let us take a quick look at your efforts to quit smoking and see examine the ones that were successful. Most times, those efforts were periodically short and only took about some hours, some days or weeks.
You might not have quit smoking permanen
tly but that doesn't imply that you have grossly failed; neither have you wasted your precious time. You should take a look at the effort that made you quit smoking for a long time. Focusing on that should help you in your plans to quit smoking.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Snow Day, Champix Day 14 and Chocolate Cup Cakes

Thanks for watching our video! Please Thumbs UP and subscribe! You can check out our weekly channel, rate the videos and subscribe here: Website and Twitter http Today Mike talks about how everything is being shutdown by a pretty small snow storm. He forgot to turn on the camera and didn't get much time to film, so he's relying on Nicole to fill the space. Nicole talks about having to go into work for 4 hours, despite the long drive and bad weather. She also talks about quitting smoking with Champix and how she is nauseated on day 3 without cigarettes. She is hoping by day 5 the nausea will go away. She also talks about chocolate cup cakes and vanilla cup cakes. She wants to build a snowman and take Waffles, the bunny out into the snow. Mike ends up going home because his office is closed, and he talks about a guy he works with named Cort Blade. Mike thinks his name sounds like a super hero name or something. Love each other, take care of each other. Peace Out!

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Safer And Better Way To Quit Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nicocure Quit Smoking Patch: Does the Nicocure Patch Really Eliminate Nicotine Withdrawal Cravings

Many smokers have a deep desire to quit but they consistently fail because of the dreaded nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Once these symptoms become unbearable, the s
moker trying to quit will reach for their cigarettes and once this happens, they may well end up at square one. There are numerous quit smoking products available that all make huge claims to help a smoker quit but few have the ability to relieve the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The Nicocure quit smoking patch claims that it is successful because it removes or greatly reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Before deciding on Nicocure as a possible quit smoking product, you need to understand what nicotine is, what withdrawal symptoms a smoker can expect when quitting, why a smoker gets cravings, and how Nicocure fights these cravings. It is the intention of this article to discuss these topics and determine if Nicocure can live up to its claims.

Nicotine is the substance responsible for fooling your brain into releasing a pleasure chemical called Dopamine and nicotine receptors on your nerve endings receive the Dopamine and create happy nerve cells. Nicotine is a powerful and addictive stimulant and because nicotine stimulates Dopamine production, the nicotine high, in a sense, is a natural high. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth and nicotine addiction is both physical and psychological. Nicotine addiction is the main reason for people continuing smoking while understanding it's harmful and you will have a much better chance of quitting if you can eliminate or relieve the withdrawal symptoms.

Because nicotine is so addictive, removing your normal source can lead to nicotine withdrawal symptoms and while a small percentage of the population does not have these symptoms, for the majority, this is the reason why they fail to quit. If you have quit caffeine in the past, you know that withdrawal symptoms from any sort of drug are not very pleasant and if you are addicted to nicotine, then the cravings can be extreme. Many quit smoking products work by using nicotine replacement therapy which basically means that the product will supply nicotine to a smokers body from an alternate source. While this will help to eliminate the cravings associated with nicotine withdrawal, nicotine is what you need to eliminate from your body to truly stop the cravings. Because of this fact, nicotine replacement therapy products are self defeating. It all comes down to the fact that to quit smoking you eventually have to get off the nicotine and if you decide to go cold turkey, the cravings will start to diminish within 10 days. Unfortunately, many smokers cant make it through these 10 days of withdrawal without lighting up again. The Nicocure quit smoking patch claims that it will solve this problem.

While Nicocure does not state that it will instantly remove all of your cravings, it does claim that it has properties that will greatly diminish the nicotine withdrawal cravings which will greatly enhance your chances of quitting. Nicocure is based upon one primary ingredient, which is lobelia inflate and Nicocure claims that it works in a completely scientific manner by feeding the nicotine receptor cells in your body with the same sensation provided by nicotine by replicating the properties which effectively fools your body into thinking you are getting nicotine. While you are not actually getting any nicotine, your body thinks you are and this supposedly helps to eliminate or reduce the cravings for nicotine. Nicocure claims that most people feel the cravings for nicotine completely disappear within the first 10 days while wearing the patch and as each day passes, they notice fewer cravings for cigarettes. Nicocure also claims that another advantage of its main ingredient is its ability to make tobacco products taste unpleasant, which also helps to reduce cravings for cigarettes. Nicocure also says that while wearing its patch, the herbal ingredients go directly into the blood stream which provides continuous all day relief from the withdrawal symptoms and allows the body to start healing after smoking. Nicocure states that other than the typ
ical withdrawal symptoms that accompany nicotine withdrawal, you will not experience any side effects if you smoke or use chewing tobacco while taking Nicocure unless you continue to smoke while wearing there patch. Nicocure also suggests that eating fresh citrus and drinking lots of clear water will combat cigarette cravings. Nicocure claims to have been effective with over 97% of those who try it, but like other herbal remedies, it is not recommended for women how are pregnant or nursing babies. Nicocure also states that it contains no sugar and will not react with insulin in any way and contains no drugs except for the natural herbal remedies that it advertises.

Smoking is responsible for disorders in all parts of the body, including the digestive system, respiratory system, and can even cause emotional problems. All smokers recognize the reasons why they should quit and most have a strong desire to do so if they could find a product or aid that would make it happen. Nicocure states that you will crave fewer cigarettes every day and the withdrawal symptoms will be milder due to the natural nicotine substitute, which helps you shake the nicotine habit gradually and that their formula is completely herbal and all-natural. While most quit smoking products will make claims that they are the only product that works, doing a search on the internet about Nicocure will show that there are some positive reviews stating that people have experienced success while using this product.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

15 Exciting and Crazy Things To Do After You Quit Smoking Are you a smoker who spends at least $ 3.50 for a pack every day or $1277.50 a year? That is a lot of money, so let us look at different ways of utilizing your "cigarette" money once you quit smoking.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stop Smoking Self Hypnosis Free Video Reveals The # Secret To Stop Smoking With Self Hypnosis. Quitting Smoking Hypnosis Without Drugs, Patches or Gums. Quit Smoking Through Hynosis Now.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New High Tech Way for Smokers to Finally Quit Smoking

Nicotine gum and patches are for suckers, I say. They're a primitive solution for a primitive person. A more modern individual would instead opt for a high tech solution befitting an age of Facebook and Twitter. Such a solution would be electric cigarettes, which are fast becoming the #1 method for how to quit smoking in a high tech world.
Ever since the first non-combustible electric cigarettes were launched from China in 2004 as how to quit smoking devices, the world has been abuzz about its seemingly heavenly powers. These simple yet so beautiful intricate devices known as electric cigarettes feature a simple battery, a simple heating element, and a simple nicotine solution.
The battery on electric cigarettes powers the heating element, or atomizer, which in turn heats up the nicotine solution, which is stored in a cartridge. Together the various components of electric cigarettes let you inhale raw nicotine without having to deal with all the tar and carcinogenic chemicals associated with a regular cigarette. It lets you participate in the best way of how to quit smoking—by not giving it up at all.
You still get to puff and inhale, which any smoker knows is the best part about the experience. Better yet, you still get the nicotine. How to quit smoking isn't a concern anymore because you continue smoking, but doing it an alternative way. You maintain all the key attributes of your addiction—smoke in a safe vapor, taste in a non-carcinogenic flavor, and nicotine without tear—without suffering any harm.
Instead of trying to figure out how to quit smoking permanently, you instead focus on how to quit smoking without ruining all the fun. Let me ask you a question. Would you prefer cutting pizza entirely out of your diet, or would you rather keep it as a weekend option? The point is that electric cigarettes are like the weekend option, in that you still get to have fun, but in a more safe and healthy way.
Patches and gums are legitimate ways on how to quit smoking, but they're not as successful as electric cigarettes for many reasons. They take away the taste and the smoke. The eventual goal is to even take away the nicotine. Electric cigarettes are how to quit smoking devices let you keep all three. Instead they only take away all the bad things like the horrible physical attributes (lack of stamina, endurance, etc) that come about from years of inhaling cigarette smoke.
Electric cigarettes as how to quit smoking devices from the high tech age are also more convenient. You don't need a lighter because you already have a battery, you don't need an ashtray because electric cigarettes don't combust, and you don't need to spend as much money because electric cigarettes are far cheaper to maintain.
If you really want to know how to quit smoking, then I suggest you embrace the age in which you live. It's a beautiful world full of gadgets and gizmos. One of these is the electric cigarette—a new age how to quit smoking solution for a new age person.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Quit Smoking Help

There is a lot of quit smoking help available on the market today but they can mostly be categorized as either pharmaceuticals or nicotine replacement therapies. What both pharmaceuticals and NRT have in common is that they are produced by the world’s biggest drug companies. Now call me a conspiracy theorist but I’d don’t believe that these companies are creating quit smoking aids for the benefit of human
ity. They are huge companies with a crowd of shareholders to keep happy after all.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Confessions of a above smoker, Quit Smoking with Snus 1

Buy snus online at This video present a person which smoked for 5 years in total and managed to stop smoking by using the smokless tobacco - Swedish Snus. The person manage to stop smoking because Snus deliver higher amounts of nicotine than any comparable products, including nicotine gum. It even deliver more than cigarettes. This is the main reason why it is so difficult to stop smoking - the addiction to nicotine, but when you use Snus you will loose the crave for smoking.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Deepak Chopra on Quitting Smoking

How can you quit smoking? Deepak Chopra details step-by-step instructions for curbing smoking habits in the long-term, which include feeling the adverse sensations of smoking and listening to your body as it rejects those sensations.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Benefits Of The Quit Smoking Patches

People these days are doing everything that they can in order to find out how to quit smoking. The fact of the matter is, smoking can cause a series of health issues in which you might not be prepared for. However, there are plenty of great tools that you c
an use to your advantage. For example the quit smoking patches hold a number of benefits that you must take advantage of!
Many people have a very hard time going cold turkey and quitting without any help. When you quit like this you are going to have a very hard time. Of course with the patches, you should have no problem getting the small nicotine does that you are looking for.
Another great benefit to these quit smoking patches is the fact that they are designed to slowly wean you off of the cigarettes. The main ingredient in cigarettes is nicotine which is highly addictive and harmful to your health as well as those around you. Once you start the program, you should do everything that you can in order to stay focused and stay on track.
There are a number of great brands that you can find when you make the decision to quit. Your doctor may be able to give you a sample or two in order to find out which one will work for you. The patches simply stick to your arm and you do not have to think about anything else. This is great for those who lived for smoking cigarettes.
Affordability is always a concern for those in this day and age. However, due to the economy and the recession, many products have gone down in price. You can get a box of quit smoking patches for as little as $20 these days. Once that box is done, you should be reedy to move on with your life without ever thinking about cigarettes ever again.
If you are worried about the overall safety of these patches have no fear. These patches have been approved by the FDA and will work to help you, not harm you in any way, shape or form. Look over each box and brand in order to find out what each company can offer you in terms of ways to quit the fastest.
If you are concerned about your current health, make an appointment with your doctor. He or she will have the knowledge that is needed in order for you to make a decision on the right set of patches. If you have any and all questions, do not be afraid to ask so that you know ahead of time.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Can Hypnotherapy Help You Quit Smoking?

Smoking can be a very hard habit to break, and unfortunately, even with all we know now about the dangers associated with smoking, many people are still unable to break this very harmful habit. If you're a smoker trying to quit, this may not seem like encouraging news, but here we will show you one stop smoking method which many people have found to be quite helpful: hypnosis.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

I abdicate Smoking on Montel

Quitting smoking with the help of hypnosis - serious subject, fun and comical presentation. http

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Quitting Smoking Through Smoking Cessation Hypnosis 101

It is not easy to stop yourself from smoking, most especially if you are a chain smoker. It becomes easier, however, if you utilize hypnosis to quit smoking, in other words, smoking cessation hypnosis. To learn how you can program your mind t
o eliminate a bad habit, in this case, smoking, and then also learn about some tips on hypnosis, continue reading below:
What Hypnosis Is
Hypnosis is the process of accessing your sub conscious mind to make it easier for you to achieve a goal, become successful, and so on. For instance, if you're always thinking of negative thoughts, specifically that you can't stop smoking, hypnosis can change those negative things into positive thoughts that will enable you to accomplish something with less difficulty. When a person undergoes hypnosis to quit smoking, for instance, the subconscious will make the person believe that he or she can stop the habit and lead that person to do things that will eventually make him or her quit the addiction to cigarette smoke or nicotine. Smoking cessation hypnosis is usually more effective than other methods and bring about longer lasting effects.
Program Your Mind Effectively Through Tips On Hypnosis
To make the hypnosis sessions work, you have to put into practice these techniques:
First and foremost, you have to really be sure of your goal. You should have a serious desire to become a non smoker before you try hypnosis to quit smoking. If you're not that convinced that you can quit, or if you really don't want to quit your smoking addiction deep inside, hypnotherapy or hypnotism won't work. It is best that you think about your motivations or inspirations on why you want to make use of smoking cessation hypnosis. A healthier body, more savings, and the like, are good examples of inspirations that can program your mind better to try quitting smoking.
Part of the list of tips on hypnosis is also for you to relax before undergoing the hypnotic trance. Doing controlled breathing exercises, thinking of relaxing or happy thoughts and then clearing your mind eventually are some of the ways you can relax. If you can't relax, then, you'll fail at the activity: hypnosis to quit smoking. Relaxation is an important start to the session because it enables you or a hypnotist to access your subconscious mind.
Remember that for smoking cessation hypnosis to work, you need to reinforce your instructions or commands e.g. to replace nicotine cravings with craving for sweets, to stop smoking in order to have extra money for other more worthwhile things, and so on. If they're not reinforced, you'll only keep coming back to being a smoker.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let Tampa Quit Smoking Hypnosis Help You Really Quit Smoking

Perhaps you have experienced individuals in Tampa walking off from you because you smell like tobacco? Does it feel like your date doesn't wish to get close? Perhaps you have looked in the mirror and noticed your skin looking older than it should or your teeth turning yellow? Does feeling short of breath make you anxious about your wellbeing? What quantity of money have you wasted
on this nasty habit?
Many are some questions smokers hate to be inquired on. Stinking breath and body odor, chest problems, chronic cough, and having to spend lot of money are some of the many issues smokers are confronted with as a result of their undesirable habit.
Upon reaching that stage of finding out how to eliminate these troubles that you experienced, your next question can be where and how to find the best possible solution that actually works. There are two methods for preventing this habit, naturally and artificially.
With by natural means of quitting smoking, you get to spend less cash with less side effects experienced. It varies from gradual tapering and lowering, to Cold Turkey. It requires a substantial will and pure determination to stop smoking that way.
The unnatural way of quitting smoking can give you faster results. By far the most common solutions you can find in the market are nicotine gums, nicotine patches, antidepressants, nicotine spray and Nicotine gums that are made from resin. Unlike regular stick of gums, nicotine gum should only be chewed when your desires occur. Just using the nicotine patch or gum only attends to the physiological facets of this habit. But you will understand that there is a lot more to this issue- the problem is much more psychological.
One other way to be able to provide a lasting and efficient solution in quitting smoking is hypnosis. Our quit smoking hypnosis Tampa has become popular thanks to its positive results. In just a couple of sessions, you get your money's worth. You'll get an exceptionally good chance of being "cured" of that smoking habit. Tampa hypnosis has a easy logical structure to its program. Dissimilar to other quit smoking program that simply give you direct suggestion, and never care for the problem, our process removes the core issue of smoking out of boredom or stress. Hypnosis Tampa believes that targeting the conscious mind will not help you in quitting the habit of smoking as it only aims to change something with willpower. Our conscious mind is not in command of our behavior; it's our subconscious mind that dictates our actions.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011