Smoking is a hard habit to break. If nicotine patches and gum does not work, maybe you should try something else as an alternative form of healthcare like acupuncture.
Acupuncture is an ancient practice involving the use of needles. This instrument is inserted into the skin to allow you energy or Qi to start flowing freely through your body and thus help you quit smoking.
When you visit an acupuncturist for the first time and tell him youwant to quit smoking, after answering a few questions, the specialist will conduct a review of your ears and looking for areas where energy is low.
Once these spots are identified, these sharp needles are then inserted. Usually 5 needles are placed into various acupuncture points.
The treatment is finished after an hour and when the needles are removed, it is advisable to wear ear magnets so your session continues even when you leave the clinic. Whileacupuncture itself is a painless procedure, some smokers said they felt a sting or get sleepy.
Most smokers will come to the clinic 4 to 6 times before seeing significant results. Just to give you an idea, a study shows that respondents reported fewer cravings just after one or two sessions. Seven in 10 respondents were able to kick the habit after 5 or 6 sessions.
Because the number of testssubjects is small, there are some who doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture. Because although there are positive signs regarding the short-term effects of this technique, its effects have not been sustained. This is why some medical journals have said it is unclear what acupuncture can do to stop smoking.
But you must remember that acupuncture is not permanent. It starts simply something you must finish by yourself. Some smokers who go 2 or 3 timesa week at the clinic will need to return for follow-up sessions in the future.
At the same time, you must find ways to prevent you from picking up a cigarette. You can do this by staying away from people who smoke since you'll be tempted to ask a stick. You can create your personal mantra which you repeat to yourself whenever you want one.
Remember that this desire is only in the short term and last only a few minutes. You've worked so hard to leavebehind it and stick to the path and stay smoke-free.
Acupuncture treatment for smokers should only be done by a licensed professional. You can do some online research to see if they are accredited by the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, ask how long they have been in the profession, learn how many smokers they have helped and how will they charge.
Once you find one, you must agree to the program because you and theAcupuncturists must work together to give up the habit.
Acupuncture can help smokers in the same way it has helped addicts and alcoholics quit their addictions. You just try it, even though you may not believe it.
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