Rather than list a few tips to stop smoking, this article will try to draw a plan that will make your quit attempt successful. Remember that everyone is different, but these tips to stop smoking should apply to the vast majority of readers.
1 - set a firm date Exit: Choose a date that is at least one week before your quit date. Why a week? Because you need time to prepare. You also need time to psych you up.
2 - Write down why you wantstop smoking: It may sound cheesy, but it is a very powerful technique. It will help cement your desires and help you visualize the new, smoke-free. Read why at least once a day, before going to bed.
3 - Tell your friends and family have a support group to help you through difficult times and also hold you responsible.
4 - Clean the house: Spend a few days to get rid of all things related to smoking. Clean your car, empty the ashtrays and washit out. Get rid of lighters (you know, you have a group of them) who are hiding around the house and work. The night before your termination date, clean the house. No ashtrays, no cigarette, no buttcan outside in the yard ..... Nothing
5 - Quit: time to quit! Is the beginning of your life without cigarettes. Brace yourself because it may be a bumpy ride for the next few days.
6 - Exercise: Get some form of exercise every day if you can. This is critical to yoursuccess. Nicotine has been providing your body with dopamine after a few hours. Now that you no longer smoke, your body craves it. Exercise is a great way to stimulate dopamine production to satisfy this desire. This is one of the most powerful advice to quit smoking that you find.
7 - Drinking water: Start to eliminate toxins that smoking put in your body. Years of smoking have your bodies polluted and impaired functions of your body. Flush themASAP.
8 - Eat More: No, no junk food and sweets to satisfy all desires. Without nicotine, your metabolism will drop. Make sure you have at least 5 small healthy meals throughout the day.
9 - Take one day at a time: Another advice to stop smoking crucial. Bite size targets are easier to reach and offer rewards faster. Your cravings and withdrawal symptoms should peak at about 72 hours. After that, they should begin to decrease. Keep in mind that everything youhave to do is survive each urge to smoke. The good news is that thirst takes about 5 minutes.
10 - Remember that you wrote the note in step 2? read it again and again. Keep focused on your original reasons for wanting to quit. They were important to you, and they are still important for you now.
These tips to quit smoking are effective if they are followed closely. However, your success depends largely on the severity of your condition and your addiction levelcommitment. Get ready for a tough fight and you prevail in the end. After all, thousands were able to quit using that stuff even quit. Good luck
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