Many people who want to quit smoking fail simply because of lack of a good plan. People just go ahead and quit, but under certain situations they are left with no option but to succumb under the craving for a smoke. This is a very common problem amongst smokers who want to quit. But it can be dealt with, if you have a good plan.
If you are serious about quitting then you should always do a little research and make a good plan for it. If you are not so serious and are just going to try, then I suggest you do not waste your time, as you are definitely going to fail.
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Then you must be serious about quitting. So there are a few things that you need to consider in advance before you actually quit smoking.
1. Make a list of situations under which you are most likely to smoke again. For me, they were parties, hanging out with smoker friends, driving, and waking up in the morning. They may be different for different people.
2. Most of these situations are a part of our lives and are inevitable, so it will be foolish to try to avoid them. But, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of smoking under the situations. For example, you can ask your friends to not smoke in front of you. Most people are supportive and they co-operate if someone wants to quit. You should discuss your quit smoking plan with your family and friends so that everyone can co-operate with you.
3. There will be certain situations where you will have to rely entirely on your will power to not smoke, such as parties.
4. For daily situations like morning, or driving smoking is usually just a fixation that can be easily substituted by something much less harmful, like a cup of coffee or even a toothpaste.
5. If you feel that your body is too much addicted to nicotine then you can try nicotine patches or gums which are good substitute and will stop the physical craving to an extent.
90% of addiction is in the brain and only 10% is in the body. So, unless you make a firm decision, you can't quit. No quit smoking plan will help unless you are willing to make it work.
Hypnosis is technique that can help you achieve that Will power that you need to quit smoking. In fact, hypnosis is something that obviates the need for will power. It is a very strong technique that has been used by many to quit smoking forever. If you want to make a good quit smoking plan before you start your endeavor, then I suggest you research a little about hypnosis.
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