There are tens of millions of people in America who are addicted to smoking cigarettes, and the vast majority have at one time or another given thought to quitting. For most people who want to quit smoking, they're more concerned about the long term effects on their health, as well as the already high and ever increasing cost of cigarettes. And these are certainly good reasons to quit, as smoking is very bad for you in the long run, and you could save thousands of dollars a year by quitting. But the short term effects of smoking are another great reason to quit.
What are some of the worst short term effects of smoking? Well, let's start with one that everyone is trying to avoid - bad breath. For people who don't smoke, they're no doubt aware of how offensive a smoker's breath can be. But many smokers haven't got a clue. Oh, sure, they know they have a lingering effect of the smoke and tobacco in their mouth, but it's hard for a person to be able to smell his own breath. And because of the tobacco in their own system, they don't notice the offensive breath from other smokers. But it's there, and it's strong. Quit smoking and your breath will improve right away.
But that's minor compared to some other things smokers experience every time they light up. Probably the most harmful short term effects of smoking are the ones that affect a person's cardiovascular system. Every time you light up a cigarette, you increase your heart rate substantially, making your heart work far harder than it should have to. And if you smoke throughout the day, the heart never gets a chance to return to its normal rate. That's one of main reasons so many smokers die from sudden heart attacks. In addition, smoking constricts blood vessels soon after lighting up, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. That's always a dangerous situation.
There are many more short term effects of smoking, including a coated tongue, a highly acidic stomach, slight shaking or tremors in your hands, and many more. You may think that you'll be one who beats the odds and doesn't get lung Cancer from cigarettes, but there's a lot of immediate health risks you're taking every time you light up. By quitting now, you can see an instant improvement in these conditions.
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