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How Fast Do Lungs Recover After Quitting Smoking? ... How Fast Do Lungs Recover After Quitting Smoking? How Fast Do Lungs Recover After Quitting Smoking? .
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The most common symptoms are insomnia nicotine withdrawal, cravings, fatigue, sore throat, restlessness, coughing and a craving. All these symptoms are experienced by every smoker trying to quit. Withdrawal symptoms can be overcome by nicotine replacements such as patches and gums.
Most symptoms of nicotine withdrawal evolve over time. However, most of the symptoms may be supported. The advice will help you cope with the commonsymptoms of nicotine withdrawal:
1. Headaches and dizziness headache occurs during the first few weeks after quitting smoking. Take meditation usual headaches and relax. You can also try a cold compress on the back of your neck. Fewer headaches can be relieved by a walk in fresh air.
2. Fatigue: It occurs in the first 2-4 weeks. You must continue your exercise program if you follow any or do a little meditation once or twice a day, isenough sleep and relax whenever you find time.
3. Cough cough increases after quitting smoking, but it will decline gradually over several days. Try sipping water all day or sucking hard candy or cough lozenge cons.
4. Tightness in the chest: it occurs during the first week. Taking deep breaths and relaxing provide relief in such a scenario.
5. Trouble sleeping (insomnia): Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day. Notprolonged physical activity before bedtime. Eat a bowl of cereal with milk or drink a glass of warm milk before bedtime. Take a warm bath may also help.
6. Constipation: Constipation occurs in the first four weeks after two to stop smoking. Drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in fiber (grain products, vegetables and fruit). Get involved in physical activity for at least 45 minutes a day as your best protection against constipation.
7. You should keep healthy snacks on hand and baked on them whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Celery, carrots, frozen grapes, sugar-free gum are good choices to keep your mouth busy.
8. Avoid alcohol or by visiting any environment where you will find smokers.
You should receive a very positive support around you when you quit smoking. Friends and family will be a great help because they will help you stay on track, once you leaveSmoking. "
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Habits, once ingrained in our minds, are often impossible to quit. As difficult as it is to begin a new, healthy habit, such as working out, it is just as difficult to break a bad habit, such as smoking. The key is to identify the cravings and situations in which you smoke, and replace them with something else.
1. Working out. Not only does working out repair a lot of the damage that was done to your body during the time in which you were smoking, but it also facilitates the production of endorphins, which go a long way towards cancelling out all of the negative chemicals nicotine produces in your brain.
2. Drink A lot. No, not alcohol, other fluids. These other fluids can wash a great deal of the toxins and pollutants that build up in your body away.
3. Chewing Gum. Nicotine gum is another story all together, but traditional sugar free gum stimulates many of the same oral receptors that nicotine usage does. In many ways it is about tricking your body into accepting a healthier substitute for nicotine.
4. Rediscover food. No, don't overeat and develop a separate unhealthy habit, but rediscover smells and tastes. Cigarette smoke destroys a great deal of your bodies natural ability to differentiate between tastes and smells. Once you start to quit, take time to reexamine things you used to love.
5. Do something else with your time. What is the first thing you do in the morning? After a meal? After sex? You get the point. In order to break the psychological bonds that dictate your dependence on nicotine you need to find replacement behaviors for those activities. Workout, grab a water, grab a healthy snack, anything besides smoking a cigarette.
Quitting cigarettes is not easy. For most smokers it has been one of the few constants throughout their lives. But it is literally killing you. It is going to take effort, but isn't living longer worth it?
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Why did you start smoking? Was it because of a friend? Your parents smoked so you figured you should as well? There are many reasons we all started smoking, some of us claim to enjoy it and do it socially. Others realize it for what it is and wish to find a way to quit. In fact 4 out of 5 smokers are looking for a way to quit smoking. Some of us have done just that. It wasn't that long ago I was one of those seeking a way to kick the habit.
I smoked 2 and half packs a day before finally quitting the habit. That was 3 years ago now and since then I have seen an improvement in my health. Now I am just like the majority of people that smoke and I hate the smoking Nazi's. It is not my goal in life to force anyone to do something they do not want to do. I am however interested in the 80% of smokers that do want to quit.
You might be the person I am trying to reach, and you just might know someone that is trying to quit. Chances are you fall into one of these two groups. I am willing to share my story on how I finally quit with anyone that wants to listen. I understand the hardships associated with kicking such an addictive drug as nicotine. It took me 14 days to kick the habit; actually it was 13 but what is a day when you have years left to live?
I stopped paying the tobacco companies for a down payment on my death, and I stopped worrying about what my local and federal government was going to do with the cigarette taxes. They seem to love to tax us even into death. If you are thinking about quitting or know someone that wants to quit send them my way. Or you can visit yourself; I love to talk about my successes in quitting the habit of lighting up.
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A puzzling question I often ask myself about smoking is "What does a smoker derive from filling his or her lungs with tobacco smoke?" Yes, smoking tobacco is a habit that is addictive, however, I believe knowledge of the fact on smoking can help a smoker decide whether to continue or quit this habit. The truth is that there's no tangible benefit anyone can get from smoking apart from the psychological effects vague satisfaction.
The truth is that tobacco smoking is dangerous to your health. It is identified as the major cause of lung and heart disease in the adult male and female population the world over. According to statistics in the United States alone, 25.3% of the male population smokes, while 20.1% of the female population smokes. Unfortunately, many of these men and women are either oblivious of the detrimental fact on smoking or are simple powerless to take concrete actions to stop.
One of the major reasons why many smokers find it hard to quit this habit is because of their addition to the nicotine found it tobacco, and unknowing to them the cigarette companies are systematically increasing the nicotine levels to keep their clients or do I say victims more addicted. Well for those who are ignorant of this, over 400,000 deaths yearly in the US is attributed to tobacco related disease. Tobacco is the major cause of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases in the US, causing 1 out of every 5 deaths.
Smoking tobacco is more dangerous to woman than men especially pregnant women and nursing mothers, the risk is higher for pregnant mothers and their unborn children. The dangerous effects of tobacco smoking are too many to mention in a single breath.
However, for anyone who truly desires to quit smoking, there are remedies. An article in "New Scientist" reveals that in addition to altering the body's dopamine levels, nicotine also causes hormone changes in smokers that alter their perception of time when they try to abstain. No wonder you're irritable when you try to quit! In a lab test, researchers studied how smokers and non-smokers estimate elapsed time. Initially, the two groups had similar abilities in time perception, but when tested again after abstaining for a day, most of the smokers estimated much longer time intervals, as much as 50 percent longer!
It may be possible that you're trying to quit smoking for the first time, or the tenth time. Either way, you need all the help you can get! Smoke deter stop smoking system is designed to help relieve the multiple symptoms that plague your body when trying to break the habit of smoking, using natural herbs known in homeopathy to help relieve such symptoms as: Shortness of breath, stuffy head, nausea, insomnia, etc.
Smoke deter is an All-natural, homeopathic, sub lingual spray that helps relieve your symptoms as you kick the smoking habit!
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Stop Smoking Aids - Natural Ways to Quit Smoking with the Help of an Herbal Smoking Cessation Product
Quitting smoking is often one of the top New Years resolutions for people far and wide, and yet many more thousands seem to pick up the habit every year despite increasing health warnings, skyrocketing tobacco prices and increased awareness, and more advanced stop smoking aids being offered to the public.
Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive controlled substances on the market today. And the price of cigarettes has multiplied exponentially over the past decade, making smoking an even less attractive habit than it already is to many people.
Unfortunately, cigarette smoking hasn't yet fallen out of favor with the youger crowd (15-22 year olds usually) as an acceptable, and even "cool" social habit. Little do these youngsters know, they are greatly jeopardizing their overall mental and physical health just to look cool, fit in, or participate in an accepted socialization tool.
You see, smoking not only gives you bad breath, accelerates the aging process and damages skin, and is bad for your heart and lungs, but it has been proven habitual smokers are more likely to succumb to depression and be subjected to higher levels of anxiety.
After quitting smoking, most people report a renewed sense of vitality, an ability to think more clearly, better health, easier breathing, dramatically reduced incidence of cold and flu and a much more positive outlook on life, including a greater sense of inner peace and tranquility.
Funny thing, most smokers don't want to quit primarily because they view the act of smoking a cigarette as soothing and a great stress reducer when in fact, the act of smoking has been proven to actually increase and perpetuate overall stress levels and anxiety. While that cigarette may seem to be a "quick fix" for anxiety, it is actually the very thing that is causing more severe anxiety to begin with.
What if I Gain Weight From Stopping my Smoking Habit?
Gaining weight from stopping smoking is another common fear of smokers. Many stop smoking aids that are good will help to prevent this from happening by helping to replace the component of nicotine which suppresses the appetite with natural, unharmful and non-addictive natural botanicals. In other words, natural stop smoking aids actually have a natural ingredient which helps stave off hunger so you don't even have to notice your body is without nicotine.
What Can I Expect if I Quit Smoking?
1.) A fatter wallet. At five bucks or more for a pack of cigarettes, expect to have much more expendable cash in your pocket.
2.) A huge increase in mental clarity and focus. This happens right away if you use a natural stop smoking aid, since it relieves the common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal immediately, so you enjoy the benefits of being a non smoker immediately.
3.) Decreased depression and anxiety - especially once your body had adjusted and gotten rid of all the built up toxins caused by the cigarette smoking. Natural smoking aids will also help clear the toxins out super fast by giving your body an extra shot of antioxidant power, and cleaning you whole system from the inside out.
4.) Healthy lungs. The lungs repair themselves pretty quickly. Expect to breathe easier, and cough less.
5.) Get sick less often. Reason enough to quit.
6.) Look younger and have better, brighter skin almost immediately.
7.) Whiter teeth and a fresher mouth.
8.) Sleep better, longer and more deeply.
9.) Have more energy and lung capacity to be able to walk up
those steps that used to make you huff and puff.
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According to testimonials and clinical studies, stop smoking hypnosis works for some people. Stop smoking hypnotherapy is 40% effective after 8 visits, according to a study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. The problem with most forms of therapy is that smokers choose to return to smoking.
This has nothing to do with the addictive nature of nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke. If a person refrains from smoking for 12 weeks, physical withdrawal symptoms are no longer present, physical addiction is no longer present, other motivations are at play.
The goal of stop smoking hypnotherapy and other forms of counseling are to change the behaviors or remove the motivations that make people want to return to smoking. Even though television ads are no longer allowed in the United States, cigarettes are always on display in convenience stores and advertised in magazines, so the temptation is always there, particularly if you have friends or family who continue to smoke.
Temptations are great, as many as 80% of people who quit smoking will start again in the first year, regardless of the therapies they choose to use. One of the positive aspects of stop smoking hypnosis, according to the study mentioned above, is that after 6 months, 40% of people who participated in the study had not returned to smoking.
If you compare the effectiveness of stop smoking hypnotherapy to Chantix, the newest stop smoking pill, hypnotherapy is at least as effective. During the latest study published by Pfizer, over 50% of participants dropped out before completing the study. None of the participants in the stop smoking hypnosis study dropped out.
Over 96% of people in the Chantix studied reported adverse side effects, including nausea and insomnia. No adverse side effects were reported by the group using hypnotherapy. In fact, even self-hypnosis can improve a person's ability to relax and sleep well.
36% of the people in the Chantix study were smoke-free after one year, but they continued to take the drug for the full year. The drug is only approved for use for a period of 12 weeks.
The stop smoking hypnotherapy study lasted for six months, the 40% success rate only required 8 visits and the participants were able to quit within the first week of treatment.
If you take into account the people who dropped out of the Chantix study, the drug was only effective 19% of the time, but that is not how the researchers reported the results. Chantix involves substituting one psychoactive substance for another.
Stop smoking hypnosis involves convincing yourself that you really want to quit. Similar programs that do not require hypnotic sessions are available and reported success rates are as high as 90%. To learn more, please visit
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People seem to always talk about how horrible smoking is, and how it is terrible for your body. We all know what happens inside your body if you continue to smoke. But have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you quit smoking? Once you decide to take that last drag horrible , things begin to happen.
Carbon monoxide, a byproduct of cigarette smoke, can wreak havoc with your blood pressure and pulse. In twenty minutesextinguishing the last cigarette, they are slowly returning to normal.
In about eight hours, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood will return to normal. This will start to increase oxygen levels in the blood.
After about a day ... only 24 hours ... your risk of heart attack starts to decrease.
At the bar two days to taste and smell will start Perking again. I know that when you're smoking, we do not even notice how our senses areimpaired, but wait! Once you taste that spicy foods First you have to really be able to say!
In about three weeks, the nicotine should have left your body. This means that you're really more work on a physical problem as much as you are a mental. Once you get up to the mark of three months, your circulation will be much improved. The cough and congestion should be almost gone, and you should feel damn good.
When one year has elapsed, your risk of coronaryheart disease and is reduced to half that of a smoker. Somewhere between five and fifteen years, you've reduced your risk of having a stroke than a person who has never smoked in their lives. And after ten years your risk of lung Cancer drops fairly significant, with the risk of Cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus.
Despite all these wonderful statistics, people still find it almost impossible to stop smoking. I was asmoker and I quit. I know the physical reasons that you keep smoking are far outweighed by those mental. Once you can wrap around your head why you do it, quitting is easy. Then you can experience all the wonderful benefits that you just read.
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So you want to know the benefits of quitting smoking?
"Surprisingly, his net that you are browsing through when it is something much more serious than you think."
If this is what others have told you, forget it. Remember, it is never too late to quit smoking, regardless of the severity of addiction. To give you an accurate picture, here are some benefits that are associated with quitting. You'll be surprised at the resilience our body is inside and how he tries to cope with the damage of tobacco and cigarettes.
Within minutes, smoking a last cigarette, several benefits are beginning to happen in the body. These are not temporary benefits that are experienced after a single cigarette. These are advantages that will continue to make life better and better with the days, just let cigarettes alone, just quit.
When you leaveSmoking>
1. During the first 20 minutes itself, your blood pressure decreases, decreases the pulse rate and body temperature becomes normal.
2. In seven hours, concentrations of carbon monoxide becomes very low, oxygen levels are restored to normal levels, which contributes to better blood circulation, improve bodily functions and other related benefits. The level of nicotine has also started to reduce.
3. In a day of stay quit, the chances of a heart attack reduced to 45%. ForSmoking is a great success that can also serve as a strong self motivation step on the way to stop smoking.
4. In 48 hours, and you begin to feel more energetic. mood changes and you become more positive. Even the endurance and increases muscle coordination. No nicotine is present in the body now, thus doing away with other side effects such as headaches, stomach pain, body, etc.
5. In 72 hours, the lung becomes charged and bronchirelax, which increases the energy in the body. No more fatigue.
6. Keep the same motivation and self-inspiration, after two to twenty-two weeks of quitting, you are free to irregular blood flow and also many other problems such as slow cold feet, healing of the skin and peripheral vascular disease (PVT).
7. One year after quitting smoking and you've reduced your risk of heart disease and lung disease by half.
8. After tenyears, the chances of lung Cancer reduced by 71% to 63% of bronchial attacks and heart attack by 55%. Quitting smoking is actually more beneficial than you thought.
9. These are benefits outside of the enormous mental positivity around you. No depression, sadness, feelings of failure, no feelings of guilt and so on.
10. Finally, after almost 15 years, you can live the life of a normal person, with some difficult experiences behind you will probablymake you a stronger, more courageous and more people than anyone else.
11. You'll be much healthier than before. The good habit to stop smoking without using any assistance you have repaid handsomely.
All that awaits you once you stop smoking, so take action today and stink the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
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