Why did you start smoking? Was it because of a friend? Your parents smoked so you figured you should as well? There are many reasons we all started smoking, some of us claim to enjoy it and do it socially. Others realize it for what it is and wish to find a way to quit. In fact 4 out of 5 smokers are looking for a way to quit smoking. Some of us have done just that. It wasn't that long ago I was one of those seeking a way to kick the habit.
I smoked 2 and half packs a day before finally quitting the habit. That was 3 years ago now and since then I have seen an improvement in my health. Now I am just like the majority of people that smoke and I hate the smoking Nazi's. It is not my goal in life to force anyone to do something they do not want to do. I am however interested in the 80% of smokers that do want to quit.
You might be the person I am trying to reach, and you just might know someone that is trying to quit. Chances are you fall into one of these two groups. I am willing to share my story on how I finally quit with anyone that wants to listen. I understand the hardships associated with kicking such an addictive drug as nicotine. It took me 14 days to kick the habit; actually it was 13 but what is a day when you have years left to live?
I stopped paying the tobacco companies for a down payment on my death, and I stopped worrying about what my local and federal government was going to do with the cigarette taxes. They seem to love to tax us even into death. If you are thinking about quitting or know someone that wants to quit send them my way. Or you can visit yourself; I love to talk about my successes in quitting the habit of lighting up.
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