According to testimonials and clinical studies, stop smoking hypnosis works for some people. Stop smoking hypnotherapy is 40% effective after 8 visits, according to a study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. The problem with most forms of therapy is that smokers choose to return to smoking.
This has nothing to do with the addictive nature of nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke. If a person refrains from smoking for 12 weeks, physical withdrawal symptoms are no longer present, physical addiction is no longer present, other motivations are at play.
The goal of stop smoking hypnotherapy and other forms of counseling are to change the behaviors or remove the motivations that make people want to return to smoking. Even though television ads are no longer allowed in the United States, cigarettes are always on display in convenience stores and advertised in magazines, so the temptation is always there, particularly if you have friends or family who continue to smoke.
Temptations are great, as many as 80% of people who quit smoking will start again in the first year, regardless of the therapies they choose to use. One of the positive aspects of stop smoking hypnosis, according to the study mentioned above, is that after 6 months, 40% of people who participated in the study had not returned to smoking.
If you compare the effectiveness of stop smoking hypnotherapy to Chantix, the newest stop smoking pill, hypnotherapy is at least as effective. During the latest study published by Pfizer, over 50% of participants dropped out before completing the study. None of the participants in the stop smoking hypnosis study dropped out.
Over 96% of people in the Chantix studied reported adverse side effects, including nausea and insomnia. No adverse side effects were reported by the group using hypnotherapy. In fact, even self-hypnosis can improve a person's ability to relax and sleep well.
36% of the people in the Chantix study were smoke-free after one year, but they continued to take the drug for the full year. The drug is only approved for use for a period of 12 weeks.
The stop smoking hypnotherapy study lasted for six months, the 40% success rate only required 8 visits and the participants were able to quit within the first week of treatment.
If you take into account the people who dropped out of the Chantix study, the drug was only effective 19% of the time, but that is not how the researchers reported the results. Chantix involves substituting one psychoactive substance for another.
Stop smoking hypnosis involves convincing yourself that you really want to quit. Similar programs that do not require hypnotic sessions are available and reported success rates are as high as 90%. To learn more, please visit
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