Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Smoking Cessation Part 1.MP4

This is the first part of a 4 part Health Promotion Lecture on Smoking Cessation and the Nurse's Role


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Sunday, July 25, 2010

How to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight

Most smokers know of the negative impact of smokers to their health. Unfortunately, these smokers are often in denial and cite many excuses so as not to quit smoking. One of this is their fear is weight gain after they quit smoking. So is there a way to quit smoking without gaining weight?

Let us begin by looking at what happens when you smoke. For a start, your tongue is coated with a layer of nicotine and that is why you lose your taste for food. As a result, weight loss is observed. Cigarettes become best substitute for foods, and perhaps for slimming pills. The food appetite is altered and meals are skipped.

When you quit smoking, your appetite will naturally increase as your sense of taste returns. That is when a smoker may observe the gain in weight. Of course to many, a weight gain is unfavourable.

Now, let us examine if it is possible to quit smoking without gaining weight. The answer would be YES! A simple and direct way is to get involved in physical activities such as jog or brisk walking. Such activities not only take your mind off smoking but also provide a way for you to lose those excess calories you packed in.

Besides exercising, you could look into your diet. By eating healthily, you should be able to maintain your weight easily. Most people gain weight after smoking is because they do not take care of their diet. When that happens, your weight will still increase even if you continue smoking.

Last but not least, ensure that you have adequate rest. By getting about eight hours of sleep every day will help ensure that your metabolic rates are working at optimal levels. As you have seen, by putting simple healthy habits in place while you quit smoking, you will be able to quit smoking without gaining weight.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Hypnosis Helped Me Quit Smoking

I had been skeptical about hypnosis ever since I heard about it 5 years ago. It was because I never thought that anything could affect my mind so strongly that I will just give up the desire to smoke.

For the past five years, I have used a lot of techniques to stop smoking. I must have quit cold turkey at least 10 times. But every time I returned back to smoking. It is just too hard to quit cold turkey when all your friends smoke and every situation in your daily life remind you of smoking.

Then I even tried some nicotine patches, gums, and even inhalers. But they all didn't last long. My thoughts about these patches and gums are that you are providing nicotine to your body anyways, so why not use cigarettes to do it. You will be much more satisfied, and well, it is a lot cooler to smoke than to sit around with a patch in your hand.

No offense to people who have used nicotine patches to quit smoking, but I live in a social circle that would make fun of you if you try such stupid attempts at quitting. Maybe my friends are just mean, but they are my friends anyways, and I can't go on with my life by avoiding them.

A month later after trying to use nicotine patches and gums to quit, I realized that they are of no use to me. I had to take all the jokes about them, and on top of that, I didn't see any effect at all.

At this time I realized that my addiction to nicotine was not physical. My body didn't need nicotine as much as my mind needed a cigarette. It was the social situations that made me want to smoke more than anything. It was the social situations that made me start smoking in the first place, and I still can't avoid these.

Enter Hypnosis!

After 5 years of feeble attempts, I finally decided to use this technique. I had nothing to lose because it didn't cost a lot of money, and I used a website to download the recording, so I don't have to go to any professional therapist.

To my surprise, hypnosis did work. I felt the effect instantly. I guess it affected the part of the brain that was responsible for all the craving for cigarettes. I used to associate cigarettes with every part of my life, but now, I don't even think of smoking when I go about my daily routine.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quitting Smoking Sucks!

We understand that every smoker is different and that quitting smoking isn't just about fighting cravings - it's about understanding your personal triggers and changing your habits over time. This channel serves as a place to find our latest commercials and other video content about quitting smoking for you and the millions of people across the country who think quitting sucks. Subscribe to the channel and let Nicorette help make it suck a whole lot less.


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Monday, July 19, 2010

Do You Sincerely Want to Quit Smoking?

Many smokers have tried to quit, but after a couple tries without success, you become frustrated. You can't figure out what you're doing wrong. You've seen others quit for good, so why haven't you? You begin thinking maybe you just can't do it. But the first thing you need to do is ask yourself one very important question: do you sincerely want to quit smoking?

Many of you would answer yes without hesitation, but first really think about it. The key to this is what YOU want. If you think your answer is yes, think about why. Why do you want to quit? Is it for your health? Is it because you're just tired of nicotine controlling you? Or is it because your family or loved ones don't like it? Or they're worried about you? Or because people you know look down on smoking? Think about your reason and be truthful with yourself. Now that you have your reasons, do you sincerely want to quit smoking?

This is a huge mistake numerous people make when trying to quit. They think they want to quit, but their reasons are all wrong. Sure, it's great to want to quit for family and friends, but your main reason has to be for you. You have to be the one that wants you to quit. If you try to quit for others, it is almost inevitable that you won't be able to. Think about it. If you don't want to do something, but you do it anyway to please others, are your results as successful as when you do something you want to do? Most would answer no. If we don't want to do something, we usually don't do it at all or we don't do it to the best of our ability. The same is usually true with quitting smoking. When asking yourself "do you sincerely want to quit smoking" you have to really think and be completely sure of your answer. If you've discovered you want to quit for others, now you know the main part of your problem. Maybe now just isn't the right time for you. If you've discovered you sincerely want to quit smoking, great. That's the first step. And you will be successful in time. But you must be completely honest with yourself if you want it to work. Sometimes it helps to keep a list of all your reasons for quitting. But remember, that first reason should be for you, no one else.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Quit Smoking Laser. Stop Smoking Laser. Laser Therapy. England, Scotland, USA, Mexico & Turkey.

Channel 5 news shows how low level laser therapy (LLLT) in Scottish hospitals is helping smokers kick their habit with relative ease. Over half the people shown on the programme quit smoking in this way. The equipment shown is produced by THOR and is used by most laser smoking cessation centres across the world. LLLT can also be used instead of needles for acupuncture and is ten times more effective than patches, gum or hypnotherapy according the results from two NHS trials in Scotland. www.thorlaser.com Many other clinics around the world also use Omega Laser equipment: www.omegalaser.co.uk Clinic in Birmingham, West Midlands, UK www.lifeprinciples.com Glasgow, Scotland; USA, Mexico, Turkey www.annepenman.com If you want to know more about Information Medicine then please read our 50 page online book called 'Addictions, The Addictive Truth' by following the link below www.lifeprinciples.com The laser therapy works by stimulating endorphins ('feel-good' hormones) when the pulsating light is absorbed by the skin and cells at acupressure points, which eliminate the urge to smoke and helps relieve stress. Real acupuncture is just as good, but the beauty of laser is that its non-invasive, ie no needles involved. In the treatment, a light probe was placed on various parts of my body. I felt calm and left without wanting to smoke. The next day, I went back for the second session. Afterwards, I went to the pub and was surrounded by smoke but really had no desire for a cigarette ...


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Video Happy New Years!

I'm gonna be honest, I got nothin for a New Years resolution. But I have goals like quitting smoking and loosing weight. And getting good grades in school....that's bout it :P


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Sunday, July 11, 2010

There Is No Need For The Stop Smoking Laser When You'r Using The NLP Method

QuitSmokingEasy.org Don't waste money by buying smoking quitting in the market and just download the NLP program today! Do you want to laser surgery to quit smoking? The good quit smoking now include reduced risk of having a heart attack and cancer.


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Friday, July 9, 2010

Part 1 of 3 - Psychological & Physiological Aspects of Cigarette Addiction - Quit Smoking

Part 1 of 3 - Psychological & Physiological Aspects of Cigarette Addiction - 2008 - Reza Ganjavi Reza Ganjavi & Friend who wanted to remain anonymous who wished his statements reduced in the edit. Part 1 of 3 - Psychological & Physiological Aspects of Cigarette Addiction - 2008. addiction nicotin nervous system craving cold turkey habit interaction with alcohol and tobacco depressants stimulants physiological dependence social pressure health seeing what-is understanding


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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Combating the Side Effects of Quitting Smoking

One of the biggest challenges of trying to quit smoking is dealing successfully with the side effects; the severity of which would depend upon how long you have been a smoker. Withdrawal symptoms are part and parcel of quitting smoking, and these can be psychological as well as chemical / physical effects. Therefore, if you are trying to quit smoking, it is important that you address both the chemical / physical addiction as well as mental (habit driven) side effects.

If you have been smoking longer than a couple of months, then trying to quit 'cold turkey' or drastically reducing your quota will almost certainly result in side effects arising from the chemical addiction. These could start within the first few hours of your last smoke, and would reach a peak after about 2-3 days, as this is how long it takes for nicotine to totally flush out from your system. The resultant withdrawal symptoms can then last for weeks, but they do get better with each passing day.

This makes it important that you chart out a plan of how you would deal with the resultant side effects when you do quit smoking. While most of these effects are short term, their intensity can often leave you feeling quite drained, and you should be prepared at the very onset.

Given below are some of the common side effects that accompany efforts made to quit smoking, and also some ideas on how you can overcome these effects.

Weight Gain:
Many people find that they gain weight after they decide quit smoking. There are many physical and mental reasons this occurs. Smokers can burn around 200 calories everyday owing to the increased body metabolism associated with chemical affects of smoking. Therefore, in the absence of smoking, your body would have an extra 200 calories per day to deal with, while also having an increased appetite stemming from the decrease in your body's metabolism. (which would only add more calories).

Smokers can habitually tend to avoid mid-meal snacks in favour of a cigarette break, and after making the decision to quit smoking, as well increasing appetite, they replace the habitual cigarette break with eating something and further imbalance the calorie balance of their diet.

There are some easy ways to avoid weight gain when you quit smoking if you are proactive. For starters, following a nutritional diet and getting some extra exercise, and if needed, getting a professional to chart out a plan for you, will not only help in managing your weight, but it will have other positive effects to help avoid the side effects of smoking withdrawal. Try to increase your daily activity levels, and try to make exercising a part of your daily routine. Also try to refrain from snacking to fill the cigarette break void, but if you do make sure it's a healthy snack. Also it's a good idea to keep a track of your weight, even if this means weighing yourself every week.

Planning ahead is a good way to make sure that you can tackle this problem effectively. Simple measures such as stocking up on healthy snacks will help, and do try and avoid anything that is fried. Carrying fruits with you while you are out is a good idea, as you can always reach for one easily, without having to worry about what to eat. Staying away from sugary carbonated drinks is definitely suggested, and you could switch to sugar free drinks. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water, as, amongst other things, this would also help control your appetite and individual meal volumes.

Remember, if gaining weight is a concern when you quit smoking, a healthy well balanced diet coupled with exercise will help ensure that there is no significant change in your weight.

Low Blood Sugar:
A drop in your blood sugar level can trigger off some rather unpleasant withdrawals symptoms. This is because while you are smoking the nicotine that your body absorbs plays a vital role in the release of stored sugars and fats that your body needs for energy, while also inhibiting the natural use of insulin. However, once you stop smoking, your body would need to start controlling these aspects on its own.

A drop in your blood sugar level can lead to bouts of dizziness and headaches, especially if the drop is rapid. However, these symptoms don't generally last for more than 3-4 days. Low blood sugar levels can also lead to your being irritable, because your body would tend to become imbalanced and your brain can find it hard to cope with the accompanying stress. In such instances, you can find relief by taking deep breaths.

Low blood sugar can also lead to your being hungry all the time, and if you do continue to give in to your hunger pangs, weight gain could very well follow. Remember that while your body might think that it needs additional food, it actually does not. Eating plenty of fruit and drinking plenty of fluids (water is best) is a good way to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Concentration Loss:
The loss in concentration that you face when you quit smoking can also be attributed to low blood sugar. Coupled with your body now having increased oxygen levels in its blood, this makes it difficult for your body to cope with. These opposing signals to the brain can lead it to be in a state of temporary confusion, thereby causing loss in concentration.

Remember that your body needs some time to adjust to living without nicotine stimulation, and that this is a symptom that should not last for more than a few weeks.

While there is no conclusive evidence that links quitting smoking to depression, if you have suffered from depression in the past, or if you have an underlying depression problem, then stopping smoking may possibly bring it to the forefront. While mood swings can accompany other withdrawal symptoms, if you find yourself being depressed for a prolonged period, seeking professional help is definitely suggested.

At all times, bear in mind that every symptom will pass with time, and you should feel better with every new day. And if do you do feel like lighting up again, remind yourself of the side effects that you've already had to battle, and ask yourself if you want to go through them again.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Happens After You Quit Smoking?

When you stop smoking you will find that many things happen. These are a short list of what happens after you quit smoking, to prepare you for the steps. Remember that you will be healthier and cut out many possible medical problems when you stop smoking.

Within the first twenty minutes after you've quit smoking you're going to have more carbon monoxide in your system. It will become normal around eight hours after your last smoke. While from two weeks to three months you're going to see that you will feel better.

Your circulation will be better, as will your stamina. You will also notice that you can smell things better than you had in a while. In between a month to nine months of time you will see more energy come your way. Plus that annoying cough should be gone, as well as any headaches.

After a year of no smoking the chances of heart disease affecting you have been cut in half. It may be a tough road, but it's one that you can accomplish. Putting all your motivation into not smoking and enjoy the fact that your healthy once again.

You can even avoid a problem that many people face with weight gain. Do this by carrying around something that isn't too loaded with calories to snack on. When you get that craving for a cigarette, eat a carrot or some celery. Even a small bag of pretzels will work.

You are going to be breathing better, so add in some exercise to help out too. You can also check out different prescriptions that can help you quit smoking if you want. Some people have even seen assistance through the use of hypnosis when it comes to quitting smoking.

Remember it will be easy the more that you want to succeed.

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