Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Repairing the Lungs After Quitting Smoking With a Lung Detox

Repairing the lungs after quitting smoking is a great help to remaining quit. When you can actually feel your lungs becoming cleaner and stronger it's a great incentive. I can speak personally about this because it helped me to stop smoking for good. So what did I do to start the repair process?

Well within the first few days of quitting I decided to try a lung detoxification or in short a lung detox. What this does is speed up the process of removing tar, toxins and chemicals from the lung tissue that have built up over the period of time that you have been smoking, and so speeds up the lung repair. It's quite simple to do but is an intense course and works very quickly so if you decide that it's something that you want to try then be prepared. You do feel a little sick at times and without being too explicit, you do start to remove the contents of your lungs quite quickly. But what a relief it is to know that you are actually ridding your body of these harmful toxins once and for all in a matter of weeks. Apparently to allow the body alone to fully expel these chemicals and tar from the lungs can take between 10 to 15 years so it's much better in my mind to get this done as soon as possible.

What it told me was that I was never going back to smoking again. There's no point going through a lung detox only to start smoking again. In fact though, the strange thing is the thought of smoking actually made me feel ill. If I even smelled another smokers smoke this also made my stomach turn a little. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these ex smokers who preaches to smokers to stop. I fully understand the powerful addiction and enjoyment involved with smoking, but I would personally never go back now that my lungs are repaired and healthy.

So what happens when the lungs are repairing? The main damage from smoking is done to the alveoli and the cilia. The alveoli are tiny sacks which transfer oxygen into the bloodstream. The alveoli damage caused by smoking is quite severe and some believe that it is never fully repaired even after many years, but don't allow this to put you off quitting.

On the other hand there is much better news about cilia. These are microscopic hairlike structures which actually sweep out particles and toxins from the lungs. Smoking paralyzes the cilia and so allows particles to build up. Once you have stopped smoking and the repairing of the lungs begins to happen the cilia start to function again and so strangely enough you may develop a cough. This is a good sign. The lung detox actually brought this stage on very quickly, two or three days to be exact and then fast tracked the cleaning of the lungs to speed up the repairing process. Within 3 or 4 weeks you start to feel a whole lot better.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Prevention for the Common Cold : Quit Smoking to Prevent the Common Cold

Learn about how to cut back on smoking to prevent the common cold in thisfree health video series. Expert: David Jackel Bio: As a singer, David Jackel knows the dire effects that a cold can have on his ability to perform. Filmmaker: David Jackel

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

How My Husband Quit Smoking After 40 Years and How I'm Coping With the Quitting Process

I am not a doctor, so I don't write from the medical point of view to advocate any products or services, yet, I can share that a medication my husband has taken has helped him quit the physical addiction to the nicotine in the cigarettes. That medication is Chantix.

For the first week he used the Chantix, he smoked, just a little bit less. The second week on Chantix, the "must-have " urges for the cigarette were reduced in about half. I was ecstatic. He was obnoxious. He was extremely moody and I would not allow myself to give in.

I learned that in the past when he had tried to quit smoking, his family, by the fourth day he was smoke-free, yelled at him to smoke because he was nasty and intolerable. I knew this going in to this process and I promised myself that I would not accept verbally abusive treatment , no matter what. Second, I decided that I would not, under any circumstances, tell him to smoke.

Was it hard to stick to my personal promises, yes. Almost impossible at times, but I knew that I would not be the one to tell him to quit trying to quit. I had to be stronger than him, if necessary, emotionally. It was necessary. I kept a positive outlook on the long-term future benefits to his health, and our lives. I kept telling myself, " I can get through his quitting even if he's not sure if he can."

It's been about 21 days since he's had a cigarette, yesterday he made one greater improvement, he stopped complaining about a heaviness in his chest. He was nice to me and verbalized his recognition that he was making progress. He mentioned that psychologically, he still wants to pick up a cigarette, but that he has decided not to. He's also sleeping more soundly, so I am sleeping better.

We're going to celebrate our progress with a mini-getaway. Hang in there, the results will be awesome.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Obama '95% cured' of smoking

President Obama says he struggles with quitting smoking cigarettes and that he sometimes 'falls off the wagon.'

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tips on How to Clean Your Lungs After Quitting Smoking

Making the decision to quit smoking is probably one of the right and healthiest choices you can make in your whole life. After all you cannot benefit from smoking but it can lead you to different diseases such as lung Cancer, heart diseases, hypertension, and other ailments and the worst of all, smoking can lead you to death. Here are trouble-free tips on how to clean your lungs after quitting smoking.

Do exercises everyday

Exercise is one important factor that you can do after stopping smoking. Different exercises like the Cardiovascular exercises are essential in helping you body to be strong and in good physical shape after you quit smoking. Exercising helps you to inhale clean and fresh air; hence it will help in cleaning your lungs. You should get involved in productive activities that bring you happy and healthy lifestyle such as swimming, jogging, or even an invigorating walk for 30 to 1 hour each day can help repair and clean your heart and most importantly your lungs. Keeping your body physically fit can help your heart and lungs stronger and healthier.

Do a breathing exercises

Breathing Exercise is indeed very essential activity after quitting to smoking. It can repair, restore, and strengthen your lungs after long years of smoking. You do not need to worry because breathing exercises are very simple and easy. You will just breathe in very slowly with the use of your nose or even your mouth for a few seconds, by performing this exercise it can help you in cleaning your lungs. Do this everyday and you will perceive and be satisfied with the good outcome.

Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables every day

After quitting in smoking, it is very necessary for you to consume healthy and nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables, these foods play a big role in your healthy diet. Don't you know that these healthy foods can also help to restore and repair your lungs? Amazing, isn't it? It also proves that vitamin A that is mostly found in fruits can help to reduce the possibility of different diseases such as the lung Cancer, and heart diseases.

Get rid of unhealthy foods and drinks

If you really want to quit smoking, you should also get rid of the unhealthy foods and drinks to stay healthy and physically fit. Instead of eating unhealthy foods life fatty foods, high calorie foods, and foods that have preservatives content, why not eat fruits and vegetables that can help you to stay healthy.

Cigarette smoking is hazardous to your health and quitting can be very helpful for you and also your family. So quit smoking before it is too late.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stop your addiction now... Have YOU made your resulutions for this year???? Do you also want to QUIT SMOKING???? Then this is probably the most important message for you. Are You Sick Of Trying to Quit Smoking By Using Patches, Gum, Sprays or Pills ...That Fail Every Time? Now YOU can Kick The Habit For Good In Just 38 Minutes & 13 Seconds ...Guaranteed! Let me ask you a simple question. Quitting smoking is difficult right? WRONG! Quiting Smoking is only difficult if you don't know how. Thankfully I know how! The Quit Smoking Today program is without doubt the easiest way available to kick those evil cancer sticks out of your life for good. It eradicates the usual problems that are associated with quitting smoking such as cravings, short temper, hunger and weight gain. Quit Smoking Today is so successful because it overcomes your desire to light up. So, If You Want To Quit Smoking Without Using "Will Power" Or Experiencing Any Cravings What-So-Ever, The Quit Smoking Today Program Is The Answer You're Looking For. The Quit Smoking Today program will work for you just as it has for many others who have now quit smoking for good. You will not have to spend hundreds buying medication and pills You will not suffer from anxiety when you quit You will not have to follow any special diet or take any supplements You will not have to exercise any more than you normally do You will not have to chew gum or wear any patches By Acting Now And Choosing The Quit Smoking Today Program You ...

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Friday, December 17, 2010

What Are Quit Smoking Side Effects and How Long Do They Last?

Smoking is an addictive habit. People who have a habit of smoking will tell you that they cannot live without cigarettes. They need to smoke in regular intervals in order to keep themselves sane. This is what makes it hard for them to quit this habit. If you are used to of smoking then your body and mind start to crave cigarettes automatically after sometime.

But what makes cigarettes this addictive? The answer is Nicotine. Nicotine is addictive substance that interferes between the flows of commands between our nerve cells and gives us a pleasant feeling. But this feeling doesn't last long and the body starts demanding cigarettes again. Slowly, our body and mind start becoming dependent on cigarettes to keep us calm.

Nicotine also produces bad withdrawal symptoms. As our body is used to of its presence and its effects, it starts to crave nicotine. If not given, our body and mind starts to react badly. The body reduces the functions that it has got used to do with the help of stimulants given by nicotine. The same goes with mind.

If you want to quit smoking then you will have to tackle and face the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may include almost every discomfort known to our body, psychology and brain. The result of your attempt to quit cigarettes depends on the way you manage these symptoms. If you are able to face these symptoms and not give up then you will be able to quit smoking for a long period of time. But you have to be very strong as these symptoms can affect our mind and body very badly. But the good news is that none of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms last for long and they do not leave any long term effect on our body or mind.

The side effects of quitting smoking may include both mental and physical symptoms. The mental symptoms may include depression, despair and feeling of hopelessness. The person may feel like he has lost someone very near and dear to him. Many people show the signs of mental agony and pain as if they are going through a major trauma in their life. It is actually very traumatic to quit for some people as over the years, the cigarettes becomes a part of their life and a source to get relaxation. Losing this source is like losing a close friend for most people.

If the smoker has been using the cigarettes as a tool to reduce tension and stress then quitting them may also cause him a lot of anxiety. He may feel the need to smoke every time he faces a tough situation and without cigarettes he may feel trapped in his own feelings. People who are trying to quit smoking are more prone to get anxiety and panic attacks in the first few smoke-free weeks than in other days.

The person trying to quit smoking can feel a slow down in his thinking pattern due to the absence of nicotine stimulants. It has been seen that the efficiency and productivity of employees decrease while they are trying to quit smoking. All of these symptoms can last for about two to four weeks. But if any of these symptoms last more than that then you must see a doctor as it can be a sign of some other mental problem.

Apart from mental, there are a number of physical side effects of quitting smoking also. These symptoms include fatigue, stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, head ache, cold and cough. These symptoms may also last for two to four weeks after quitting cigarettes. Many people also experience extreme hunger pangs due to the absence of stimuli for the body and mind.

Quitting smoking can be a tough job as it has many side effects. But these side effects should subside in about a month of the last cigarettes. Also, they may be hard to bear at the time but they don't affect our body in the long run. Rather, our body feels stronger without the bad effects of smoking.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Emphysema and Quitting Smoking

If you have emphysema and quitting smoking is a concern you are headed in the right direction. Breathing polluted air and smoking are the number one causes of emphysema. Smoking cigarettes is the cause of 85 percent of emphysema cases. In addition, smoking cigars and other tobacco means contribute to the cause of emphysema.

People are starting to recognize this more and taking action. Emphysema is a very difficult disease and eliminating smoke from the lungs is one way to improve symptoms greatly.

The alveolus in the lungs are damaged in emphysema patients. These air sacs in the lungs collect air and bring in oxygen to the body. If they are damaged, it makes it hard for the person to breathe and therefore the person receives less oxygen.

These small air sacs actually stretch until they break. That results in new air sacs, which aren't as efficient. Therefore the new alveolus don't function as well compared to the previous original alveolus. This is why it's a progressive disease and breathing continues to become more difficult.

More and more energy is required by people just to breathe and get enough oxygen. This results in more fatigue as people age and less ability to be active in their lives.

Quitting smoking and emphysema are becoming inextricably linked because so much future damage can be prevented. Smoking cigarettes pollutes deeply into the lungs damaging alveolus permanently. Obviously the person is much better if they stop smoking immediately to prevent further damage deep in these lung air sacs.

People with emphysema are inflicted with other health problems at a greater rate than others with healthy lungs. For example, emphysema patients get infections in the chest, such as pneumonia and common colds at a greater rate.

Studies also show that high blood pressure exists in higher rates with emphysema patients because their lung arteries are damaged. These are just some of the collateral illnesses that result from emphysema. The list is extensive.

Many of these problems can be mitigated if the person chooses to quit their tobacco habit. People with mild emphysema sometimes recover to have normal feeling lungs if they quit smoking. The body has an amazing ability to recover on its own if it's given the chance.

Emphysema is not thought to be curable, but the symptoms are greatly slowed down if people get smoke out of their lungs by quitting or by staying away from smoky places and polluted air.

Unlike the old days, thankfully getting emphysema and quitting smoking later is becoming more common. This is mainly because of advances in medical related studies of the disease. In the past, many smokers would just continue with the disease and die early.

Many people have chosen to stop smoking because of health problems and this is just one more example. If you have emphysema and quitting smoking is a priority, remember, it can be done and you'll benefit greatly from your decision.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

If I Quit Smoking, What Happens to My Lungs?

Many smokers find it hard to quit their little bad habits because they seem to think of their momentary smokes as stress relievers and anti depressants. But once they get a grip of reality and understand that the high they get off cigarettes are only temporary, they would learn to give up the habit and start clean. But the question is, when you quit smoking, would your lungs heal after all that toxin?  

First, you have to remember that the lungs are the main organs in your body and they play a huge role in your body. Not only do they keep you going as a human being, it is also the control center for your breathing and oxygen replenishment. Hence, it is vital to keep your lungs clear at all times.

Your lungs have got tiny little follicles named cilia which help keeps your lungs clear so that the blood cells in your body can get the oxygen they need to allow your body to function properly. If you call it quits to cigarettes and say no more, then you would find that it would be easier for you to breathe. A light smoker wouldn't have too much trouble as the cilia would help keep your lungs clear but a heavy smoker would discover that it would be much harder as they would have ingested a whole lot of toxins.  

The cilia would be damaged and the individual would experience smokers cough. When this occurs, you'd know that your cilia cannot do its job due to the presence of toxin so this would be your early warning to quit smoking. However, there are certain medications which can be taken to naturally flush your lungs to help your body's natural defense system keep your lungs healthy.   Put down your lighters and say no to cigarettes!  

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quit Smoking Side Effects - A List of What to Expect

I'm sure you've heard about some of the quit smoking side effects. You want to be prepared and know what to expect right? Besides, quitting smoking has been compared to trying to break free from a heroin addiction. Not pleasant! Today's guide will help prepare you for what to expect, and how to counteract some of the side effects.

First, let's start with the list:

Withdrawal symptom - Duration - Proportion of people affected

Irritability/aggression - Less than 4 weeks - 50%
Depression - Less than 4 weeks - 60%
Restlessness - Less than 4 weeks - 60%
Poor concentration - Less than 2 weeks - 60%
Increased appetite - Greater than 10 weeks - 70%
Light-headedness - Less than 48 hours - 10%
Night-time awakenings - Less than a week - 25%
Craving - Greater than 2 weeks - 70%

More Quit Smoking Side Effects

Mays people give up quitting because they find the symptoms too strong to deal with, or are caught off guard. Believe it or not, these symptoms are good news, signs that your body is purging the harmful chemicals left in your body from cigarette smoking.

Here are some additional quit smoking side effects - While they don't occur in everyone, you should expect to experience at least 1 or 2 of the symptoms from this list.

Dizziness. Your body has an increase in oxygen levels due to your lungs now not being filled with smoke. For the first one to five days be aware of the possibility of becoming dizzy when moving too fast.

Coughing, mucous, phlegm: During the first week days your body is clearing itself of a buildup of mucous. Your nose may run and you may have coughing spells. Drink plenty of fluids to facilitate the process.

Sore throat: Again, the body is ridding itself of built up nicotine and tar. Suck on sweets, drink hot tea with honey (decaffeinated), and use throat lozenges or spray. This typically lasts one to five days.

Gaseous Stomach and Constipation: During the first one to two weeks your bowels may have an increase in gas and a decrease in bowel movements. Adding fiber to your diet and increasing your water intake should help to relieve the problem.

Headaches: During the first one to two weeks you may experience headaches. This is due to an increase in blood flow which contains more oxygen to the back of the brain. Drink lots of fluids and do relaxation exercises. If necessary use over the counter medications in moderation.

Irritability/Anxiety: The first two to four weeks should be the most difficult in terms of frustration, anxiety, inability to concentrate and restlessness. Your body is desperately seeking a nicotine fix. Try meditation, relaxation techniques or any other activities that keep you from focusing on your craving for nicotine.

Fatigue: Nicotine is a stimulant. During the first two to four weeks you may feel tired due to your metabolic rate dropping back to normal. Without nicotine your metabolic rate drops down to normal. Don't panic, your body will adjust in a few weeks. In the meantime, don't overexert yourself.

I know what you may be thinking... Wow! With side effects like those, why bother quitting smoking? While this may seem to be a logical way of looking at the situation, it's important to bear in mind that if you find these mild symptoms to be unpleasant, imagine dealing with the debilitating disorders that smoking is sure to bring if you don't quit soon.

The side effects of quitting smoking are experienced only for a short while, and will soon pass. Many report a lessening of symptoms after 7 - 10 short days. Don't let the quit smoking side effects discourage you! You have the ability, you're armed with motivation, and the only thing left to do is take action!

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Suggested Quit Smoking Timeline

If you want to quit smoking, it's not an easy task. Many people have been smoking for years, and if that's you, you're not alone. If you've been smoking for years, too, giving up the habit can be very difficult. Nonetheless, if you want quit smoking you certainly can.

What's a suggested "quit smoking" timeline, if you want to give up cigarettes? It depends on your own circumstances, but there are some things you can expect.

There are lots of products out there that can help you quit smoking without having to go through severe nicotine withdrawals, which may cause you to pick up the habit again simply because you can't do without nicotine. If that's a problem for you, these nicotine replacement products (like nicotine patches and gum) can give you just a little bit of nicotine that you can slowly wean off of as you go.

If you decide to "go cold turkey" and quit smoking altogether without using any of these nicotine replacement products for support, it may be a bit more difficult to quit smoking, but you can do it.

What's generally going to happen the first day you quit smoking is that you won't necessarily crave a cigarette except as a habit; you may feel less focused than usual and less alert.

Within the next 24 hours after that, you cravings for nicotine are going to become very strong and you will be very tempted to begin smoking. Hang in there, because your body is ridding itself of nicotine, and this takes about three to four days altogether.

The third day may be the worst, whereby you are simply going to want to smoke and nothing else. You may have difficulty focusing on anything, including work. Constipation and excessive coughing are also symptoms of your body ridding itself of nicotine, as your body adjusts to not having it.

By day five, you should begin to feel better and your cravings should be less. You should begin to notice that you can breathe better and that your ability to smell and taste food will begin to return to you. These are things that usually disappear, largely, when you smoke, so you'll begin to enjoy the fact that you don't smoke because you've got these two senses back.

After about the fifth day, your physical withdrawal should be pretty much complete. You'll begin to notice that you "feel cleaner," that your teeth are brighter, your skin is clearer, and that you won't smell so strongly of smoke. These are all beneficial effects that will help make staying away from cigarettes easier.

Although the physical withdrawal from cigarette smoking is pretty much done by the end of the first week for most people, the psychological effects of smoking are very strong as well, and those cravings may not ever go away entirely. You may also begin to notice that your appetite will pick up significantly after you quit smoking, which is one reason why so many people gain weight after they quit smoking.

Both the psychological aspect of cigarette addiction and the propensity to gain weight after you quit smoking can be managed by changes in behavior. One of the psychological components of cigarette addiction is that it gives you something to put in your mouth and something to "do" with your hands. So, picking up hobbies like knitting and keeping healthy things around to munch on, like carrot sticks, will help manage these behaviors so that you don't go back to smoking.

Again, it can be very difficult to quit smoking cigarettes once you start, but it can be done. Many people have successfully done so, and it's up to you to determine a method that's best for you, whether it's by quitting cold turkey or using supportive measures.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Geez...The Final Smoke

Geez is adamant about quitting smoking and shows us he's serious with a nicotine patch. Hey...what do you expect? It's my first short clip!

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nicotine & Smoking Facts : Stop Smoking During Pregnancy

Pregnant women should absolutely stop smoking during the pregnancy because of the negative effects that smoking has on the health of a fetus. Get information on how dangerous smoking can be for both mother and child from a master of hypnotism therapy in this free video on smoking cigarettes.

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