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How Fast Do Lungs Recover After Quitting Smoking? ... How Fast Do Lungs Recover After Quitting Smoking? How Fast Do Lungs Recover After Quitting Smoking? .
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Repairing the lungs after quitting smoking is a great help to remaining quit. When you can actually feel your lungs becoming cleaner and stronger it's a great incentive. I can speak personally about this because it helped me to stop smoking for good. So what did I do to start the repair process?
Well within the first few days of quitting I decided to try a lung detoxification or in short a lung detox. What this does is speed up the process of removing tar, toxins and chemicals from the lung tissue that have built up over the period of time that you have been smoking, and so speeds up the lung repair. It's quite simple to do but is an intense course and works very quickly so if you decide that it's something that you want to try then be prepared. You do feel a little sick at times and without being too explicit, you do start to remove the contents of your lungs quite quickly. But what a relief it is to know that you are actually ridding your body of these harmful toxins once and for all in a matter of weeks. Apparently to allow the body alone to fully expel these chemicals and tar from the lungs can take between 10 to 15 years so it's much better in my mind to get this done as soon as possible.
What it told me was that I was never going back to smoking again. There's no point going through a lung detox only to start smoking again. In fact though, the strange thing is the thought of smoking actually made me feel ill. If I even smelled another smokers smoke this also made my stomach turn a little. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these ex smokers who preaches to smokers to stop. I fully understand the powerful addiction and enjoyment involved with smoking, but I would personally never go back now that my lungs are repaired and healthy.
So what happens when the lungs are repairing? The main damage from smoking is done to the alveoli and the cilia. The alveoli are tiny sacks which transfer oxygen into the bloodstream. The alveoli damage caused by smoking is quite severe and some believe that it is never fully repaired even after many years, but don't allow this to put you off quitting.
On the other hand there is much better news about cilia. These are microscopic hairlike structures which actually sweep out particles and toxins from the lungs. Smoking paralyzes the cilia and so allows particles to build up. Once you have stopped smoking and the repairing of the lungs begins to happen the cilia start to function again and so strangely enough you may develop a cough. This is a good sign. The lung detox actually brought this stage on very quickly, two or three days to be exact and then fast tracked the cleaning of the lungs to speed up the repairing process. Within 3 or 4 weeks you start to feel a whole lot better.
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I am not a doctor, so I don't write from the medical point of view to advocate any products or services, yet, I can share that a medication my husband has taken has helped him quit the physical addiction to the nicotine in the cigarettes. That medication is Chantix.
For the first week he used the Chantix, he smoked, just a little bit less. The second week on Chantix, the "must-have " urges for the cigarette were reduced in about half. I was ecstatic. He was obnoxious. He was extremely moody and I would not allow myself to give in.
I learned that in the past when he had tried to quit smoking, his family, by the fourth day he was smoke-free, yelled at him to smoke because he was nasty and intolerable. I knew this going in to this process and I promised myself that I would not accept verbally abusive treatment , no matter what. Second, I decided that I would not, under any circumstances, tell him to smoke.
Was it hard to stick to my personal promises, yes. Almost impossible at times, but I knew that I would not be the one to tell him to quit trying to quit. I had to be stronger than him, if necessary, emotionally. It was necessary. I kept a positive outlook on the long-term future benefits to his health, and our lives. I kept telling myself, " I can get through his quitting even if he's not sure if he can."
It's been about 21 days since he's had a cigarette, yesterday he made one greater improvement, he stopped complaining about a heaviness in his chest. He was nice to me and verbalized his recognition that he was making progress. He mentioned that psychologically, he still wants to pick up a cigarette, but that he has decided not to. He's also sleeping more soundly, so I am sleeping better.
We're going to celebrate our progress with a mini-getaway. Hang in there, the results will be awesome.
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Making the decision to quit smoking is probably one of the right and healthiest choices you can make in your whole life. After all you cannot benefit from smoking but it can lead you to different diseases such as lung Cancer, heart diseases, hypertension, and other ailments and the worst of all, smoking can lead you to death. Here are trouble-free tips on how to clean your lungs after quitting smoking.
Do exercises everyday
Exercise is one important factor that you can do after stopping smoking. Different exercises like the Cardiovascular exercises are essential in helping you body to be strong and in good physical shape after you quit smoking. Exercising helps you to inhale clean and fresh air; hence it will help in cleaning your lungs. You should get involved in productive activities that bring you happy and healthy lifestyle such as swimming, jogging, or even an invigorating walk for 30 to 1 hour each day can help repair and clean your heart and most importantly your lungs. Keeping your body physically fit can help your heart and lungs stronger and healthier.
Do a breathing exercises
Breathing Exercise is indeed very essential activity after quitting to smoking. It can repair, restore, and strengthen your lungs after long years of smoking. You do not need to worry because breathing exercises are very simple and easy. You will just breathe in very slowly with the use of your nose or even your mouth for a few seconds, by performing this exercise it can help you in cleaning your lungs. Do this everyday and you will perceive and be satisfied with the good outcome.
Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables every day
After quitting in smoking, it is very necessary for you to consume healthy and nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables, these foods play a big role in your healthy diet. Don't you know that these healthy foods can also help to restore and repair your lungs? Amazing, isn't it? It also proves that vitamin A that is mostly found in fruits can help to reduce the possibility of different diseases such as the lung Cancer, and heart diseases.
Get rid of unhealthy foods and drinks
If you really want to quit smoking, you should also get rid of the unhealthy foods and drinks to stay healthy and physically fit. Instead of eating unhealthy foods life fatty foods, high calorie foods, and foods that have preservatives content, why not eat fruits and vegetables that can help you to stay healthy.
Cigarette smoking is hazardous to your health and quitting can be very helpful for you and also your family. So quit smoking before it is too late.
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Smoking is an addictive habit. People who have a habit of smoking will tell you that they cannot live without cigarettes. They need to smoke in regular intervals in order to keep themselves sane. This is what makes it hard for them to quit this habit. If you are used to of smoking then your body and mind start to crave cigarettes automatically after sometime.
But what makes cigarettes this addictive? The answer is Nicotine. Nicotine is addictive substance that interferes between the flows of commands between our nerve cells and gives us a pleasant feeling. But this feeling doesn't last long and the body starts demanding cigarettes again. Slowly, our body and mind start becoming dependent on cigarettes to keep us calm.
Nicotine also produces bad withdrawal symptoms. As our body is used to of its presence and its effects, it starts to crave nicotine. If not given, our body and mind starts to react badly. The body reduces the functions that it has got used to do with the help of stimulants given by nicotine. The same goes with mind.
If you want to quit smoking then you will have to tackle and face the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may include almost every discomfort known to our body, psychology and brain. The result of your attempt to quit cigarettes depends on the way you manage these symptoms. If you are able to face these symptoms and not give up then you will be able to quit smoking for a long period of time. But you have to be very strong as these symptoms can affect our mind and body very badly. But the good news is that none of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms last for long and they do not leave any long term effect on our body or mind.
The side effects of quitting smoking may include both mental and physical symptoms. The mental symptoms may include depression, despair and feeling of hopelessness. The person may feel like he has lost someone very near and dear to him. Many people show the signs of mental agony and pain as if they are going through a major trauma in their life. It is actually very traumatic to quit for some people as over the years, the cigarettes becomes a part of their life and a source to get relaxation. Losing this source is like losing a close friend for most people.
If the smoker has been using the cigarettes as a tool to reduce tension and stress then quitting them may also cause him a lot of anxiety. He may feel the need to smoke every time he faces a tough situation and without cigarettes he may feel trapped in his own feelings. People who are trying to quit smoking are more prone to get anxiety and panic attacks in the first few smoke-free weeks than in other days.
The person trying to quit smoking can feel a slow down in his thinking pattern due to the absence of nicotine stimulants. It has been seen that the efficiency and productivity of employees decrease while they are trying to quit smoking. All of these symptoms can last for about two to four weeks. But if any of these symptoms last more than that then you must see a doctor as it can be a sign of some other mental problem.
Apart from mental, there are a number of physical side effects of quitting smoking also. These symptoms include fatigue, stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, head ache, cold and cough. These symptoms may also last for two to four weeks after quitting cigarettes. Many people also experience extreme hunger pangs due to the absence of stimuli for the body and mind.
Quitting smoking can be a tough job as it has many side effects. But these side effects should subside in about a month of the last cigarettes. Also, they may be hard to bear at the time but they don't affect our body in the long run. Rather, our body feels stronger without the bad effects of smoking.
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If you have emphysema and quitting smoking is a concern you are headed in the right direction. Breathing polluted air and smoking are the number one causes of emphysema. Smoking cigarettes is the cause of 85 percent of emphysema cases. In addition, smoking cigars and other tobacco means contribute to the cause of emphysema.
People are starting to recognize this more and taking action. Emphysema is a very difficult disease and eliminating smoke from the lungs is one way to improve symptoms greatly.
The alveolus in the lungs are damaged in emphysema patients. These air sacs in the lungs collect air and bring in oxygen to the body. If they are damaged, it makes it hard for the person to breathe and therefore the person receives less oxygen.
These small air sacs actually stretch until they break. That results in new air sacs, which aren't as efficient. Therefore the new alveolus don't function as well compared to the previous original alveolus. This is why it's a progressive disease and breathing continues to become more difficult.
More and more energy is required by people just to breathe and get enough oxygen. This results in more fatigue as people age and less ability to be active in their lives.
Quitting smoking and emphysema are becoming inextricably linked because so much future damage can be prevented. Smoking cigarettes pollutes deeply into the lungs damaging alveolus permanently. Obviously the person is much better if they stop smoking immediately to prevent further damage deep in these lung air sacs.
People with emphysema are inflicted with other health problems at a greater rate than others with healthy lungs. For example, emphysema patients get infections in the chest, such as pneumonia and common colds at a greater rate.
Studies also show that high blood pressure exists in higher rates with emphysema patients because their lung arteries are damaged. These are just some of the collateral illnesses that result from emphysema. The list is extensive.
Many of these problems can be mitigated if the person chooses to quit their tobacco habit. People with mild emphysema sometimes recover to have normal feeling lungs if they quit smoking. The body has an amazing ability to recover on its own if it's given the chance.
Emphysema is not thought to be curable, but the symptoms are greatly slowed down if people get smoke out of their lungs by quitting or by staying away from smoky places and polluted air.
Unlike the old days, thankfully getting emphysema and quitting smoking later is becoming more common. This is mainly because of advances in medical related studies of the disease. In the past, many smokers would just continue with the disease and die early.
Many people have chosen to stop smoking because of health problems and this is just one more example. If you have emphysema and quitting smoking is a priority, remember, it can be done and you'll benefit greatly from your decision.
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Many smokers find it hard to quit their little bad habits because they seem to think of their momentary smokes as stress relievers and anti depressants. But once they get a grip of reality and understand that the high they get off cigarettes are only temporary, they would learn to give up the habit and start clean. But the question is, when you quit smoking, would your lungs heal after all that toxin?
First, you have to remember that the lungs are the main organs in your body and they play a huge role in your body. Not only do they keep you going as a human being, it is also the control center for your breathing and oxygen replenishment. Hence, it is vital to keep your lungs clear at all times.
Your lungs have got tiny little follicles named cilia which help keeps your lungs clear so that the blood cells in your body can get the oxygen they need to allow your body to function properly. If you call it quits to cigarettes and say no more, then you would find that it would be easier for you to breathe. A light smoker wouldn't have too much trouble as the cilia would help keep your lungs clear but a heavy smoker would discover that it would be much harder as they would have ingested a whole lot of toxins.
The cilia would be damaged and the individual would experience smokers cough. When this occurs, you'd know that your cilia cannot do its job due to the presence of toxin so this would be your early warning to quit smoking. However, there are certain medications which can be taken to naturally flush your lungs to help your body's natural defense system keep your lungs healthy. Put down your lighters and say no to cigarettes!
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I'm sure you've heard about some of the quit smoking side effects. You want to be prepared and know what to expect right? Besides, quitting smoking has been compared to trying to break free from a heroin addiction. Not pleasant! Today's guide will help prepare you for what to expect, and how to counteract some of the side effects.
First, let's start with the list:
Withdrawal symptom - Duration - Proportion of people affected
Irritability/aggression - Less than 4 weeks - 50%
Depression - Less than 4 weeks - 60%
Restlessness - Less than 4 weeks - 60%
Poor concentration - Less than 2 weeks - 60%
Increased appetite - Greater than 10 weeks - 70%
Light-headedness - Less than 48 hours - 10%
Night-time awakenings - Less than a week - 25%
Craving - Greater than 2 weeks - 70%
More Quit Smoking Side Effects
Mays people give up quitting because they find the symptoms too strong to deal with, or are caught off guard. Believe it or not, these symptoms are good news, signs that your body is purging the harmful chemicals left in your body from cigarette smoking.
Here are some additional quit smoking side effects - While they don't occur in everyone, you should expect to experience at least 1 or 2 of the symptoms from this list.
Dizziness. Your body has an increase in oxygen levels due to your lungs now not being filled with smoke. For the first one to five days be aware of the possibility of becoming dizzy when moving too fast.
Coughing, mucous, phlegm: During the first week days your body is clearing itself of a buildup of mucous. Your nose may run and you may have coughing spells. Drink plenty of fluids to facilitate the process.
Sore throat: Again, the body is ridding itself of built up nicotine and tar. Suck on sweets, drink hot tea with honey (decaffeinated), and use throat lozenges or spray. This typically lasts one to five days.
Gaseous Stomach and Constipation: During the first one to two weeks your bowels may have an increase in gas and a decrease in bowel movements. Adding fiber to your diet and increasing your water intake should help to relieve the problem.
Headaches: During the first one to two weeks you may experience headaches. This is due to an increase in blood flow which contains more oxygen to the back of the brain. Drink lots of fluids and do relaxation exercises. If necessary use over the counter medications in moderation.
Irritability/Anxiety: The first two to four weeks should be the most difficult in terms of frustration, anxiety, inability to concentrate and restlessness. Your body is desperately seeking a nicotine fix. Try meditation, relaxation techniques or any other activities that keep you from focusing on your craving for nicotine.
Fatigue: Nicotine is a stimulant. During the first two to four weeks you may feel tired due to your metabolic rate dropping back to normal. Without nicotine your metabolic rate drops down to normal. Don't panic, your body will adjust in a few weeks. In the meantime, don't overexert yourself.
I know what you may be thinking... Wow! With side effects like those, why bother quitting smoking? While this may seem to be a logical way of looking at the situation, it's important to bear in mind that if you find these mild symptoms to be unpleasant, imagine dealing with the debilitating disorders that smoking is sure to bring if you don't quit soon.
The side effects of quitting smoking are experienced only for a short while, and will soon pass. Many report a lessening of symptoms after 7 - 10 short days. Don't let the quit smoking side effects discourage you! You have the ability, you're armed with motivation, and the only thing left to do is take action!
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If you want to quit smoking, it's not an easy task. Many people have been smoking for years, and if that's you, you're not alone. If you've been smoking for years, too, giving up the habit can be very difficult. Nonetheless, if you want quit smoking you certainly can.
What's a suggested "quit smoking" timeline, if you want to give up cigarettes? It depends on your own circumstances, but there are some things you can expect.
There are lots of products out there that can help you quit smoking without having to go through severe nicotine withdrawals, which may cause you to pick up the habit again simply because you can't do without nicotine. If that's a problem for you, these nicotine replacement products (like nicotine patches and gum) can give you just a little bit of nicotine that you can slowly wean off of as you go.
If you decide to "go cold turkey" and quit smoking altogether without using any of these nicotine replacement products for support, it may be a bit more difficult to quit smoking, but you can do it.
What's generally going to happen the first day you quit smoking is that you won't necessarily crave a cigarette except as a habit; you may feel less focused than usual and less alert.
Within the next 24 hours after that, you cravings for nicotine are going to become very strong and you will be very tempted to begin smoking. Hang in there, because your body is ridding itself of nicotine, and this takes about three to four days altogether.
The third day may be the worst, whereby you are simply going to want to smoke and nothing else. You may have difficulty focusing on anything, including work. Constipation and excessive coughing are also symptoms of your body ridding itself of nicotine, as your body adjusts to not having it.
By day five, you should begin to feel better and your cravings should be less. You should begin to notice that you can breathe better and that your ability to smell and taste food will begin to return to you. These are things that usually disappear, largely, when you smoke, so you'll begin to enjoy the fact that you don't smoke because you've got these two senses back.
After about the fifth day, your physical withdrawal should be pretty much complete. You'll begin to notice that you "feel cleaner," that your teeth are brighter, your skin is clearer, and that you won't smell so strongly of smoke. These are all beneficial effects that will help make staying away from cigarettes easier.
Although the physical withdrawal from cigarette smoking is pretty much done by the end of the first week for most people, the psychological effects of smoking are very strong as well, and those cravings may not ever go away entirely. You may also begin to notice that your appetite will pick up significantly after you quit smoking, which is one reason why so many people gain weight after they quit smoking.
Both the psychological aspect of cigarette addiction and the propensity to gain weight after you quit smoking can be managed by changes in behavior. One of the psychological components of cigarette addiction is that it gives you something to put in your mouth and something to "do" with your hands. So, picking up hobbies like knitting and keeping healthy things around to munch on, like carrot sticks, will help manage these behaviors so that you don't go back to smoking.
Again, it can be very difficult to quit smoking cigarettes once you start, but it can be done. Many people have successfully done so, and it's up to you to determine a method that's best for you, whether it's by quitting cold turkey or using supportive measures.
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When you stop smoking, your health starts to improve almost immediately and you will get benefits for almost all your life. Pay attention to this timetable:
Within 20 minutes
Blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temperature of hands and feet will return to normal.
Within 12 hours
Blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal.
Within 48 hours
Smell and taste are beginning to return to normal.
Within 72 hours
Breathing becomes easier because bronchial tubes begin to relax. Lung capacity starts to increase.
Within 2 weeks to 3 months
Heart attack risk has starts to drop. Lung function begins to improve.
Within 3 weeks to 3 months
Circulation improves markedly. Walking becomes easier. Chronic cough, if any, has likely disappeared.
Within 1 to 9 months
Any smoking related sinus congestion, fatigue or shortness of breath have decreased. Cilia regrown in lungs thereby increasing the ability to handle mucus, keeping lungs clean, and reducing infections. You feel your body's overall energy increased.
Within 1 year
The risk of coronary heart disease drops to less than half that of a smoker.
Within 5 to 15 years
The risk of stroke declines to that of a non-smoker.
Within 10 years
The risk of death from lung Cancer has declined by almost half if you were an average smoker (one pack per day). The risk of Cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus has now decreased.
Within 15 years
The risk of coronary heart disease is now that of a person who has never smoked.
So, what are you waiting for? Let's start this new life right now!
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After you've mastered how to quit smoking and actually kicked the habit, there is a need to understand the recovery procedures and health issues regarding the same.
However, the benefits are immense to ignore some small stress and anxiety related issues.
The constant use of tobacco can lead to diseases such as Cancer, cardiac arrest, and similar problems.
Therefore, the need is to understand the preventive measures after you quit smoking to stay healthy.
Having regular check up and consultation is a good way to judge your progress and find out ways of controlling your urge to smoke.
Getting a complete checkup of the mouth, tongue, teeth, and throat is necessary. The improvements in your health will be displayed within a few weeks after you quit smoking.
The main reason that you should quit smoking is due to the havoc cigarettes cause to hurt your body in a terrible manner.
If your body defenses are weak, they cannot stand up to these Cancerous cells. Such type of cancer can affect both the smoker and the ex-smoker as well.
Once this cancer spreads from the lungs to other vital organs of the body, it becomes difficult to treat the same.
The patient would eventually die. The main symptoms of severe stages of lung related cancer is when blood comes out while coughing, chest pains, breathing troubles, tiredness in the body and loss of appetite comes into effect in the body.
The long-term effects of smoking can lead to loss of body weight, frequent headaches, and infections in the lungs.
This ultimately leads to the weakening of the body in one or more ways.
The best thing is to educate yourself with suitable information regarding tobacco usage and the risks associated with it.
This will make you prepared for the battle ahead. The smoking activity causes depletion of essential vitamins and minerals from the body.
This is the reason that the body functions are bombarded with toxins and harmful chemicals during the smoking activity.
Therefore, after quitting smoking, it becomes necessary to watch your food intake, make sure it's filled with vitamins, minerals and the whole gamut of good stuff.
This will reverse aging of your body, which the smoking activity brings along with it.
The actual purpose of this is to boost up the minerals and vitamins stored in your body.
If you have an apprehension that by getting rid of the smoking habit you might gain weight due to over eating or laziness, then forget it completely.
The best thing after you quit smoking is to boost up the body immunity with the help of stress buster vitamins such as E, A, and C.
Particularly Vitamin C since it helps in protecting the cells of your body and repairs the damage caused by the harmful chemical substances.
This vitamin is also essential for many bodily functions by providing suitable protection and energy for the same.
However, before you go ahead and perform activities such as aerobics, yoga, or use supplements for your health, it is important to have a proper consultation with your doctor.
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The withdrawal of smoking from the body may affect people in different ways. Many people start feeling sick after quitting smoking. They feel physically and mentally sick for some days or even weeks after their last cigarette. The symptoms may involve nausea and the feeling of vomiting along with a feeling of fever and stomach cramps.
The question is, is it normal for the smokers to feel after quitting smoking? Well, according to many studies most of the smokers feel sick in the first few days of their attempt to quit smoking. This is normal and actually a sign of the body getting over its addiction.
Any smoker will crave cigarettes after giving them up. This craving can affect the psychology and body of that person in different ways. These affect can vary from person to person. The person may feel irritability, headache and nausea. Many people may also go through acute depression. Stomach and digestive troubles are also quite common in such cases.
The reasons behind such symptoms are that the body gets used to the effects of cigarettes and they crave for it. Even our brain which is addicted to the effects of cigarettes craves them. Since you are refusing to give the body and brain the stimulation of cigarettes, they will start giving you the problems to make it hard for you to quit smoking and you give up. Due to this we start to feel sick.
But you must never start smoking again if you are not feeling well. These sickness and other symptoms are just temporary and they will subside in few days. In order to overcome the feeling of nausea, drink lots of fluids and take plenty of rest.
Most of the sick feeling is generally because of the fact that your lungs and stomach are used to of the nicotine and smoke in your body. In the absence of those, they get confused and start reacting funny. In order to reduce this sickness, you will have to use your willpower.
Another reason for the nausea is that when we smoke the oxygen level drops in our body. This is a very bad thing for us but still slowly our body starts adjusting to that oxygen level. But as soon as we quit smoking, the oxygen level starts to rise. Unable to comprehend the changed situation, the balance of the body gets disturbed for some time. Now, we all know that excess of oxygen makes us sick, even though the oxygen level doesn't actually increase unnaturally but it still gets higher than we are used to of. As a result, we start to feel nauseated.
But this feeling will subside once our body gets used to of the increased amount of oxygen in your lungs. Sometimes we may also feel sick after quitting smoking because in the absence of smoke, our lungs start to clear up. As a result, they try to throw out the accumulated mucous. This mucous may also make us feel like we are about to throw up.
In the end, it is common for the people who are trying to quit smoking to feel sick and nauseated. All they have to do is to let this feeling pass and not give in to the weakness. If they remain strong in this period, then they will definitely be able to quit cigarettes and lead a healthy life.
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One of the best things about quitting smoking is just how quickly your body recovers from the ill effects of smoking. While it takes many years to completely recover, your body starts healing itself in just over a quarter of an hour. These are some of the things you can look forward to (and be wary of) in the coming days after stopping smoking.
About twenty minutes after quitting smoking, your blood pressure and heart rate are back to a normal level.
12 hours after stopping, your blood oxygen saturation has become normal, and nicotine levels in the bloodstream are a twentieth of their levels as a smoker.
One day after quitting, you will start to feel the anxiety and withdrawal that comes with quitting smoking. You've made it this far, don't turn back!
Between two and three days from the last time you've smoked, your irritability will be at an all time high. You'll experience several cravings per day for cigarettes, but as time goes on their length and intensity decreases. It also becomes easier to breathe, as your lungs are healing.
After a week, you'll experience fewer symptoms of withdrawal. Past the three day mark, all withdrawal symptoms are mental, as your body as cleansed itself from the addictive properties of nicotine. Stick with it, because it only gets better from here!
After two weeks, you shouldn't feel withdrawal any more. Urges to smoke will have dissipated, and you can relax knowing that you have taken control of your life again. In the coming few weeks, irritability, sleeplessness, and depression associated with smoking will subside and you'll be able to take in just how incredible it is to not be a smoker.
One year after quitting, you are at a massively decreased risk of coronary heart disease, about half that of a smoker. Over the next few years, the rest of your disease risks will return to those of a non-smoker.
The first month is the hardest, but if you stick to it you'll be rewarded in the end. Make sure that your family and friends know that you're quitting smoking and to expect you to be more irritable and anxious. The first two weeks after I quit, I was absolutely unbearable to be around, but it went away with time and I never look back and miss smoking.
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Quitting smoking doesn't have to be as difficult as some people say. One of the best ways to quit smoking successfully is to be aware of all the quit smoking symptoms of withdrawal you will feel and work to get rid of them properly. They will be short lived but they can be extremely intense and sometimes overpowering.
The symptoms you will experience in the first few weeks may be as follows:
You may start to feel a tingling sensation in your hands and your feet.
You may experience increased sweating, cold sweats and hot flushes.
You might start to feel stomach cramps, or get feelings of nausea.
Many people start to get more headaches and migraines.
After you have quit smoking your lungs will begin to clear, as this happens you may get symptoms of the flu or a cold. You may start with a sore throat, sinus problems, coughing and other symptoms of catching a cold or the flu.
These symptoms are the physical symptoms when you quit smoking. You may also start to experience the following mental and emotional withdrawal symptoms as well.
You may be more prone to certain temper tantrums at any time.
You will be much more irritable, angrier and you may experience really intense feelings.
You might become more easily confused and upset for no apparent reason.
You are likely to be more anxious at any time.
Feeling depressed is a common mental symptom of quitting smoking. The best way to overcome this is to set a period of time aside to 'mourn' your loss. It is a huge help and will get you through the difficult times.
Many people start smoking in symptoms period. Quitting smoking is not hard if you pass through this symptoms period.
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If you are in the right frame of mind there are virtually no side effects of quitting smoking. Many smokers are brainwashed into thinking they will suffer terrible side effects when attempting to quit. A whole industry has been built upon this, the best example is nicotine replacement therapy. Virtually every single advert on this subject involves telling smokers they will require willpower to deal with the withdrawal symptoms.
This very lucrative industry preys on the fragile mental state of smokers. However, this is not true. Many smokers are very strong mentally. The industry with the most smokers is the medical profession. Now you cannot tell me that doctors and nurses have fragile minds. These people make life and death decisions on a daily basis. They are as strong willed as anyone.
So why is it that when it comes to stopping smoking, most smokers accept that they will have to go through a period of mental anguish and suffering? Because they have been brainwashed into thinking this is the case.
When you stop smoking your brain will tell you it wants more nicotine. You now face the withdrawal symptoms, which is all in the mind. There are no physical symptoms, you don't start shaking if you can't relieve these symptoms. All you know is that there is a little itch that needs scratching.
If you are not prepared this little itch can be very powerful. You will spend all day hoping it will go away. But whilst you are in this frame of mind it will only get worse. It starts as soon as you wake up. Within a few minutes of waking your brain has begun telling you that it wants its fix of nicotine. It hits you like a sledgehammer, after all you have just gone around 8 hours without smoking while you were asleep. Where you kept awake all night by these symptoms?
If you ask a smoker to last 8 hours through the day without smoking they will find it very difficult because while they are awake their brain is demanding nicotine. This constant assault on your brain makes concentrating on anything a chore. This is why many smokers feel irritated and anxious when attempting to quit. It is like a leaking tap going off in their head, slowly dripping all day long.
It does not have to be like this. When I tried to quit smoking in the past I felt exactly like this. It drives you insane, there is no getting away from it. The reason is that i was unprepared to deal with these mental effects of quitting smoking. Not long into my attempt i could not hold out any longer and the inevitable happened.
When I successfully quit I was totally prepared, and I had no feelings of deprivation or cravings from nicotine. In fact i enjoyed purging the nicotine from my body. I had no side effects at all, and in my opinion this is the best way to quit smoking, but you can only do this if you know how. Nicotine patches only make things more difficult, they keep nicotine in your system and this keeps your brain thinking about nicotine. The best way to stop smoking is to rid yourself of nicotine straight away, which in turn will stop your brain thinking about nicotine. The sooner this happens the sooner you will be free.
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Changing any habit that we do daily is a challenge for most people and to quit marijuana is no different. When you decide to quit smoking pot, there are a number of things you may want to consider ahead of time, so that your not thrown off guard when they come up. From having realistic expectations of quitting, understanding the temporary withdrawal symptoms, the most common times that relapses occur, and how many attempts most successful ex-weed smokers endure before reaching success. This article will discuss these four main events that occur and give suggestions that can help improve the rate of success dramatically. The first step is making your plan.
When people decide that its time to quit smoking cannabis, it is important to remember that quitting isn't easy. It's important that when you make a plan that you have realistic expectation of quitting marijuana. It may not be easy but its not impossible either. Just this year alone over one million Americans quit smoking weed and now you will be one of them. Make your plan as realistic as possible and understand what symptoms you will encounter.
There are a number of withdrawal symptoms that every quitter of pot must face. But what is more important to understand is that withdrawal symptoms are temporary and will fade away with time. In fact, typically they will only last one or two weeks before they disappear . After one or two months you develop momentum, and reach the point where you decide to never smoke another marijuana joint again. Knowing how long to expect withdrawal symptoms is one thing, but knowing about common relapse times is critical too.
Most relapses occur shortly after the decision is made to quit cannabis. The first week after quitting marijuana is the time where most relapses occur. This is when withdrawal symptoms begin to build up and become the strongest, and the body is still very dependent on the weed. For most people, this will be the hardest time of all and it is at this point that you must use all your personal resources, your friends, family, willpower and the tips in this article to get you through this most critical period successfully. Along with this, relapses can also occur later on in the process.
It is important to realize that for many people, the second most frequent time for a relapse is in the first three months after quitting pot. Typically it can happen when situational triggers such as a stressful event occurs. It is in situations like this when people reach for the weed automatically, simply because they have developed a strong association to smoking marijuana and relaxing. This type of situation is very common for the simple reason that it is quite difficult to prepare ones self until it happens, so it becomes increasingly important to recognize it if it is to happen to you. The critical element is to remember that smoking cannabis is simply a habit, and all habits can be broken, even if it takes many attempts.
In fact the statistics show that most successful ex-pot smokers did not necessarily quit the first time. It appears that most of the successes happened later on, after several failed attempts. You may find yourself to be one of those people who can quit marijuana on your very first try, and I hope you do. But the message is clear, if you're not one of those people, make sure to decide now, to never give up, and try as many times as necessary until you reach your goal.
Once you consider in advance the major pitfalls on the path to quitting cannabis, you will have the foresight to avoid these troubles and your success will be practically guaranteed. Knowing and preparing for these contingencies and following through until you have quit will put you into ranks of those successful men and women who have overcome the dependence and quit marijuana. You will have realistic expectations, you will known how long to expect the withdrawal to last, avoid the most common relapse times, and never give up until you are free. This way you know exactly what to expect as you begin the journey today to quit pot for good.
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When you quit smoking, there are a lot of changes that your body goes through. Most of the changes are for the good, while some changes may be unpleasant. The more cigarettes you used to smoke before you quit, the more will be the cravings for cigarettes. In addition to that you can expect a lot of unusual physical behavior within 24-48 hours of quitting.
Headaches, sweating, nausea, and thirst are all common after effects of quitting. This is because the body isn't getting the nicotine that it is so used to; it has to respond in some way. These symptoms will go away after around 48 hours of quitting. You may experience a grumpy behavior after you stop smoking.
This is where many people give in to their cravings. They think that they are doing their friends and family a favor by smoking and not being grumpy all the time. But you should realize that your friends and family want you to quit smoking more than you want to. In fact, you might be saving their lives by quitting. The grumpy behavior remains only for about a week and I am sure everyone can handle that.
After about 8-12 weeks of after you stop smoking, you will stop craving for cigarettes and start thinking like a non-smoker.
Your body also undergoes a lot of physical changes when you stop smoking. After only 20 minutes of quitting, your blood pressure and heart rate start going back to normal. After a few hours, the CO level in the blood goes down and the O2 level starts increasing. Within 1 day the risk of a heart attack decreases.
After a few weeks your blood circulation improves and all the obstruction that has been accumulated in the blood veins starts to clear out. After a few months all the coughing and fatigue problems stat to diminish and you will start feeling more invigorated.
After a year, the heart attack risk decreases to half the level of a smoker and after about 5-10 years it decreases to that of a non-smoker. And after 15 years your body will have the same chances of lung Cancer as that of a non-smoker.
The advantages are so many, and the price to pay is so puny. Quitting is the wisest decision that any smoker can take in his/her life.
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Along with the physical changes your body will be going through, many people also want to know what happens when you quit smoking in relation to the symptoms of withdrawal they are going to suffer from. Trust me, it isn't easy - if it was no one would still be smoking. There are so many "quit smoking symptoms", and everyone will be affected differently, so keep reading to see what you can expect to go through when you decide to quit.
o Anger, Mood Swings and Irritability. This will be a hard one, because your body is reacting to the withdrawal of nicotine, and you will feel very irritable. Make sure that everyone knows you are quitting smoking - most people will be able to understand your mood while you are going through withdrawal.
o Extreme Fatigue. This was a big one for me, and I know it is for many others as well. Your body will feel very tired, so you need to get enough rest. Let your body do the work to begin the healing process, and don't be too worried about feeling very tired. It will pass as your body makes the adjustments.
o Cravings. Obviously, as you are going through withdrawal from nicotine, you will be craving cigarettes. As you go through the process of quitting smoking, you will also start craving other things, since you will denying your body the thing it wants the most. This leads many people to begin craving food, and leads to the next problem - weight gain.
o Weight Gain. As stated above, you will begin to notice that you are replacing smoking with eating, and many people will gain weight as a result. Be prepared for this possibility, and try to not let it get too out of control. Quitting smoking also tends to give you an increase in appetite, so you will be wanting to eat more in general, so gaining weight can become just as big of a problem as the smoking itself if you aren't careful.
o Coughing, Dry Throat and Nasal Drip. Your body will begin to remove the build up of mucous and toxins in your body, which will result in coughing and nasal drip. Your throat will feel very dry, so drink plenty of water.
o Headaches. Headaches can be a problem for many people going through withdrawal from nicotine. They are directly related to the withdrawal, as well as some of the other symptoms as well.
o Dizziness and Lack of Concentration. Due to the fact that your body is going through withdrawal from an addictive substance, you will have to be prepared for your body to react to the changes that are happening, and this can cause feelings of dizziness and an inability to concentrate.
Quitting smoking is hard, and all of these quit smoking symptoms make it almost impossible, unless you are prepared. Don't get discouraged - it can be done. Find a good program to help you quit smoking, there are many available on the market that have been proven to help and that can help you to decrease the physical withdrawal symptoms on your body. So, what happens when you quit smoking? You feel one hundred percent better, and you can feel proud of what you have accomplished. Follow the lead of millions of others who have managed to quit, and start your new life today!
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It seems like achieving most good things in life require bearing a heavy burden. There's probably a reason for this right? And like it or not, cigarettes are no exception to the rule. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are many and varied. Wouldn't you like to know about the most common ones? Here's a frank discussion of them:
1. Does this make you mad? - Emotional Disturbance
This is probably the most well known symptom of quitting and nicotine withdrawal. And how does it usually manifest? That's right - your going to be pissed off. Of course, the effects aren't simply limited to increased agitation. They affect the whole pallet of emotions, including anxiety, anger, irritability, impatience, restlessness, sadness, even fear.
It's nice the tobacco companies have this built in defense in the unlikely case we should decide to stop donating them our life and money - isn't it?
2. What Time is it? - Distorted Sense of Time.
The title says it all.. well, almost. In reality, minutes will seem like hours. Especially those few minutes which occur immediately after exposure to an old nicotine 'trigger'. This is a time, place, event, object, or anything else which you previously associated with smoking. After a meal, after a shower, after a party, etc. Your brain will literally dilate time and make you think the craving lasts much longer than it does. A stop watch, distractions, and/or meditation can help tremendously with this - as does a good quit smoking program that addresses your psychological triggers.
3. Brain Fog? - Impaired Concentration.
Your not imagining it - and its (hopefully) not because you are intoxicated with alcohol. Nicotine interferes with your ability to concentrate in several ways. It directly stimulates brain and nervous cells - and you perceive its absence only minutes after your last puff.
Indirectly, nicotine causes a loss of focus when you experience anxiety after quitting. In the presence of an old trigger, your body will release a host of 'fight or flight' byproduct chemicals that consequently lower your concentration. Without a cigarette, you have to either 'wait it out' or find another way to calm yourself.
Nicotine also alters your blood sugar levels. After quitting you can easily become famished if you don't practice good eating habits. Blood sugar must be maintained by eating at least 3 healthy meals throughout the day, and snacks will help.
Again, any proper quit smoking aid should help you reverse anxiety inducing triggers, help you be more calm, and assist with dietary choices to reduce blood sugar related withdrawal symptoms.
4. I'm too tired to sleep! - Exhaustion and Insomnia
Last but definitely not least on our list of common symptoms are the mutually occurring feelings of exhaustion and insomnia. Anyone knows feeling too tired to sleep is one of the worst things in the world - when you can't even get away in your dreams you're really in for a bad day. Smokers tend to know this feeling all too well. All of the previous symptoms including emotional disturbance, time distortion, and metabolic issues (blood sugar, brain metabolism) contribute in a major way to disturbing our sleep time. Our body could take weeks to re-adjust to normal levels - which really is incredible when you've been smoking for years. Of course, any time sleep is disturbed, you will feel more tired during the day. Changes in metabolism, blood sugar, and other systems will also increase your feeling of day time fatigue.
Exercise, naps, and extended sleeping periods can all help to alleviate symptoms. Unfortunately, high caffeine and alcohol intake also tend to go along with smoking, and these will need to be eliminated entirely to prevent sleep disturbance.
Without assistance, exhaustion and insomnia usually begin to subside after a couple of weeks. By this time, almost all nicotine is gone from our system and our body has re-adjusted. A program containing exercise, dietary changes, supplements, and psychological rehabilitation can help to reduce both the time this takes and the suffering tremendously, however, so you might find its worth the small cost in the long run. It will also reduce the chances that you will relapse in the future, wasting all that effort and further crushing your belief in yourself.
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If you've tried to quit smoking before and failed, or if you are currently thinking about quitting, it's always a good idea to find out what exactly is involved in the process of quitting. It's important for you to know what you will go through while fighting your smoking addiction so that you are more prepared to deal with the possible scenarios.
Smokers who quit smoking usually go through 5 stages, with each stage having distinct psychological features. There's an appropriate way to handle every stage to ensure that you progress into the next phase and eventually succeed in kicking the habit entirely.
Stage 1: Pre-Contemplation
Pre-contemplation is the first stage of the quit smoking process. It's fairly common for smokers to quit in response to peer pressure; i.e. friends, family, and colleagues pressuring him/her to quit smoking. In reality, the person does not actually want to quit, but is compelled to do so due to external factors. In other words, the person may attempt to quit not because he/she is wholeheartedly ready, but because he/she caved in to pressure. When the process begins with these circumstances, the most likely result is that the smoker will soon regress and resume smoking, because their motivation is inappropriate or insufficient.
Stage 2: Contemplation
Contemplation is the second stage in the process. At this point, the intention to quit smoking is present, but the smoker does not intend to do anything about it in the imminent future. Said smoker knows why he/she should quit, and most likely agrees with these reasons. However, during this stage, he/she still finds justifications for the habit, with the abstract and distant notion that he/she will one day quit.
Stage 3: Preparation
The third stage is preparation, which can be perceived as a prelude to the actual process of quitting. The smoker has a desire to quit and has in fact taken small steps towards this direction. In most cases, these steps are intended to ease the transition, such as decreasing cigarette consumption on a daily basis, or changing to a lighter brand.
Stage 4: Quitting
Fourth among these stages is actually quitting. During this period, the smoker is determined to quit and has taken steps towards achieving this goal. As the smoker stops smoking, he/she has to deal with withdrawal, fight the intense urge to smoke again, and generally try to adjust to a non-smoker status. This phase can last from six months to an entire year.
Final Stage: Post-Quitting Maintenance
The 5th and final stage is called post quitting maintenance, which usually begins 1 year after quitting. During this period, a relapse is a distinct possibility. Approximately 75% of smokers who quit are inclined to resume the habit in the 1st year after quitting. However, this does not imply that their efforts are wasted, since studies indicate that it takes about 3 tries to totally kick the habit. Although a relapse is typically considered as a setback, this should not discourage anyone from trying again and trying harder the next time.
In conclusion, you should know and understand the six quit smoking stages so that you are more equipped to deal with each specific situation that you will most likely face. Knowing where you stand in the quit smoking timeline will enable you to assess your progress and motivate yourself further until you ultimately quit smoking for good.
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You've finally made the decision to quit smoking, and while you know the general health benefits that you will experience, you may want to know more about how your body will feel after quitting smoking. Here are some of the health improvements you can expect, as well as some of the psychological and emotional perks of being smoke-free.
First, you should know that you will experience immediate benefits after quitting smoking. About twenty minutes after you make the choice to drop the habit, your blood pressure will go down, and your heart rate will drop. After quitting smoking for 12 hours, your carbon monoxide levels will drop to normal, which means that you could start breathing easier and may feel less tired.
After you've stopped smoking for a few months, your cilia, or the tiny hairs that move mucus out of the lungs are restored to their normal function, so that the risk of contracting respiratory diseases will be reduced. Your circulation will improve after quitting smoking as well, which means that you will have more energy for exercising and will be able to complete the tasks of the day without getting winded.
Years after quitting smoking, your doctor will be able to tell that your risk of contracting conditions like coronary heart disease has been reduced by half. And, your risk of getting a stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker after you've been smoke-free for 5 to 15 years.
While many of these benefits are long-term, there are several immediate benefits that you will experience after quitting smoking. Your breath will smell better (it can sometimes be very difficult to get rid of the smell of nicotine in the mouth), and your teeth will become whiter. The smell that settles in the clothes and hair of smokers will be gone, so you won't have to keep using perfumes and air fresheners to try and mask the scent of nicotine.
Lots of smokers have yellow or brown nails as a result of smoking, but after you kick the habit, the fungus in your nails will start to subside as well. Smoking affects your sense of taste too, so after quitting smoking, you may notice that your food tastes better, and that you want to experiment with different recipes and foods that you may not have eaten before.
In addition to all of these health benefits, you may notice that you will save a substantial amount of money. Smoking is a very expensive habit, so you may find that you will save hundreds of dollars per year once you become smoke-free.
Want to know more about how you can maintain a healthy lifestyle after quitting smoking? Check out the American Lung Association website for more details.
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There are many, many methods to stop smoking available through many means including, books, videos, CDs, workshops, consultants and to download over the internet. Of the many methods to stop smoking out there, there are often very many very zany approaches amongst the more sensible ones.
My own take on quitting smoking came about after many months researching as many methods to stop smoking as I could. I came to realise over time that the most important method to stop smoking came solely from myself. The answer did not lie in a pill or a potion or some laser. The answer as to how to stops smoking comes from within. It is about having the right mindset.
Lets look at the common methods to stop smoking that most smokers will fight with several times before succeeding and becoming smoke free forever.
Cold Turkey or Willpower. This is the most obvious method to stop smoking. Get up one day and say 'no' to cigarettes. Sometimes, people take a little more time over this method and fill out diaries to identify triggers and detail when and how much they smoke. Only 1 in 20 people who try to quit using this method will success. Or to put it another way, if you try 20 times you might actually do it!
Nicotine Replacement Therapy or NRT. This is the patch, gum, microtab, lozenge, inhalator or nasal spray aid method to stop smoking. It is much vaunted by the pharmaceutical industry as a means to help smokers quit. It boasts a 10% success rate - 1 in 10 people stop smoking. However, it is often overlooked that whilst 1 in 10 stop smoking, they do not overcome their addiction to nicotine - which is why smokers smoked in the first place.
If you remain addicted to nicotine, then you are always at risk of falling back into the spiral of despair that is smoking cigarettes and consigning yourself to an early grave.
I am 100% against quitting smoking using NRT. It is not a sensible way to address the addiction to nicotine. If you want to read more of my opinion on this matter, visit my blog at: Nicotine Therapy Scam
Zyban is another of the many methods to stop smoking. The drug is also known as wellbutrin or bupropion, and although unknown exactly how, it seems to interfere with a smoker's brain chemistry and put them off smoking. Legend has it that the smoking cessation factor of Zyban was only seen whilst studying the side effects of wellbutrin, the anti-depression version of the drug.
Zyban boast about the same effectiveness as a method to stop smoking as NRT but this can be improved 50% or so when Zyban and NRT are used together. However, the use of these drugs also goes hand in hand with some form of counselling to motivate smokers to stop.
The new 'wonder drug' taking the market is varenicline or Chantix (Champix in the UK). It is reported to be able to wean up to 44% of smokers off cigarettes. Again, like Zyban, it is not know exactly how it works but is is thought to interfere with the brain chemistry of the smoker.
Both Zyban and Chantix as methods of stopping smoking come with dangers. Zyban is known to cause seizures in some patients and varenicline causes extreme nausea in up to 30% of patients. Both drugs need a course of counselling alongside the drug in order to be effective.
Hypnosis is another well known method for quitting smoking. I understand (although I am not a big fan of hypnosis) that it can achieve much better success rates than any of the previously mentioned methods. Of the methods to stop smoking that are available, hypnosis is very relaxing and involves no drugs which cannot be a bad thing.
Another method to stop smoking is the use of cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT. It can literally be translated as 'think' and 'behave' therapy. The way you think and the way you behave are examined in order to change the way you think and thus the way you react to your thoughts, feelings and environment. CBT uses neither drugs nor your sub-conscious mind.
The fact of the matter is that most people do not 'control' their lives; they just react to their emotions and feelings. If you feel down, you might comfort eat for example. That is not eating because you are hungry, it is eating to take your mind off something else.
Using CBT can be an extremely successful treatment to help people stop smoking permanently. Of the people I follow-up who have used my own CBT course, the people who succeed (and that is an overwhelming majority) not only stop smoking but actually know they will never smoke again and that is because they have a different attitude toward smoking, having used CBT.
Stopping smoking is an amazing achievement for any smoker and one that should be celebrated whichever method to stop smoking is used. Stopping smoking and knowing you will never smoke ever again can only be achieved through changing your mental attitude towards smoking, whether that be through counselling, hypnosis or CBT.
As ever, the most important method to stop smoking is to never stop trying to stop.
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