Saturday, December 12, 2009

Quit smoking with hypnosis

Do you really want to become an X-smoker?

Have you ever tried to quit cold turkey? Just to experience a few days later, you still have a cigarette in hand, to feel discontent and defeat do not have it again?
By dint of their will, and always will be the solution for some people, but only a few percentile of people who quit smoking may do so by their own volition.
body, and because your subconscious is here to serve,will change your inner feelings in the direction you dictate.

Hypnosis is a very effective way to quit smoking!

The subconscious mind will always be able to find a good reason to keep smoking. Even if her very aware that smoking is harmful, and that your body does not really. But if you can find another way to meet your domestic needs, your subconscious will be happy to cooperate.

Because the fact remains that yoursubconscious will cooperate if smoking is now filled, is replaced by something else (eg drinking water, eating fruits, etc etc) and even the strongest of will can not fool the subconscious for a long time. During hypnosis, we will be able to cooperate with the subconscious, and the guide to fill your needs with something healthy for your

Smoking Cessation

By quitting smoking with hypnosis, you will experience that you no longer feel theneed to smoke, even at the party, he will no longer be an important part of your thinking, in fact, it feels like you've never smoked. All signs of addiction will be gone. Everything is in balance you convince your subconscious that it is safe and good for you to stop smoking for it to fill you with positive feelings such as trust and calm. The subconscious need that used to be filled with tobacco, after treatment of hypnosis completely changed and filled with new feelings and you will have access to many strong resources inside.

There will be no or very little and vague thoughts of smoking, irritation or restlessness, and instead you will be filled with calm, very relaxed and in control of the weather you smoke or not !

Are you motivated to quit smoking?

Motivation is a crucial factor in the cessation of smoking, you can not leave> Smoking just because your doctor tells you, because its expensive, or because it annoys the rest of the family. None of these reasons are new to you, and you always have to smoke! What is needed regarding the motivation is that you are highly motivated to quit smoking.

Thought and feeling like "I'm tired of smoking, and all she did for me" and / or "I hate the fact that smoking controls my life and my way of thinking is what you really needand the basis of a successful smoking cessation.

Eating and weight problems

Many people continue to smoke because they have tried before and ended up taking a lot of weight, and they fear it happening again.

When you stop smoking with hypnosis you will not be replacing one bad habit for another, so you do not need the fear of gaining weight. You will not feel the need for excessive eating or extra candy.
Any hypnotherapist trained and will be responsibleconduct a thorough interview before any hypnosis is made to ensure that it works with you in the right direction.

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