Thursday, December 31, 2009

The psychological effects of smoking: An obstacle to success True Cigarettes

I tell you, it never ceases to amaze me how inept with the anti-smoking lobby is when it comes to tactics of smoking cessation. There is virtually no emphasis on the psychological effects of tobacco, which is actually the main culprit. Instead, these "experts" zero in on emphysema, heart disease, lung Cancer, and other unpleasant body they may think.

I am a former smoker, and I can tell you that scare tactics do not work. Heck, if they then workwould not the world get rid of cigarettes now? Strangely, the failure of these campaigns is not attributed to their general defect, but rather the "stupidity" of smokers. It is amazing pig's head.

The fact is that the removal of smoke produced very little in the way of actual physical symptoms. You'd be hard pressed to find many ex-smokers who vomited, suffered from severe cramps and had fainting after packing in cigarettes. What readerpeople to smoke are the psychological effects of smoking, and as long as they are rooted in the psyche, then the battle against smoking will be an unpleasant and permanent.

The good news is that all these psychological "reasons" are myths. They can easily be debunked. And like everything in life, once you have no reason to act, then you simply will not do. There are millions of smokers who can attest to quit easily, and it isalmost certain that they have precisely because they have conquered the psychological effects of smoking with ease.

What exactly I mean when I say "psychological effects" of smoking? Well, all will believe that smoking cigarettes is a fix all uses. If they need to focus, they light up. If they need to relax, they light up. If they need to fight boredom, they light up. If they need to talk on the phone, they light up. If they are going to drink, they lightup. If they need to cope with stress, they light up.

So the idea of throwing this wonderful all-purpose fix is simply unbearable. It is not surprising that ex-smokers are more likely to be rekindled in a classic moment of cigarettes ", like a funeral (high stress). Once smokers realize that the psychological effects of smoking are all illusions, then it simply will not be a problem to quit smoking. Do not underestimate the depth or unappreciate brainwashing of smoking, tobaccoindustry has spent billions more than a century in order to promote its product and its myths.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My mentor Part 2 / 2

Season 1 Episode 2 Part 2 / 2 JD tries to persuade a smoker patient to quit smoking in order to impress Dr. Cox, who feels alone in his opinion. Elliot attitude towards Carla annoys her, that Turk is able to go on a date with Carla, when he convinces her to forgive Elliot.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

E-cigarette, you can Quit Smoking / Smoke In Pubs

Stop smoking, quit by using one of our e cigarettes the replacement device that is more effective than gum and patches. []. When you try to quit you do not fight one monkey you fight against two, the habit of lighting and inhaling and the addiction to nicotine. The gum and patches may have temporarily helped you with addiction, but not used. For those who say "I can not quit cigarettes" this kind of both needs. The e Cigarette looks just ...

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Monday, December 28, 2009

The symptoms of quitting

The fear of experiencing withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking is one of the main reasons people do not want to quit. The symptoms that you may have when you stop smoking can vary from zero to all or mild to severe, but whatever the intensity of symptoms, they are temporary and can be overcome.

If you are a smoker, your body is addicted to nicotine, and if you have symptoms when you quit, it's one you can count. May your lungsor do not feel empty or heavy, or any combination. You may headaches of mild to moderate for the first week or two after you quit, or be anxious and nervous and having trouble sleeping all night. These symptoms usually disappear after a week or two after you left.

A few days after quitting, your respiratory system begins the process of cleaning the house, so to speak. Your body will start expelling theaccumulation of tar in the lungs, bronchi and alveoli, and the most expedient way to get rid of it is by coughing it up. You may have a cough up to six months. Initially, the cough can be quite radical, but it is a good symptom because your body itself is clean and your respiratory system is back to health and efficiency enjoyed by someone who never smoked.

Another symptom that appears shortly after quitting smoking is the desire to eatagain, resulting in a gain unwanted weight. There are two reasons for this. First, food tastes better, because once you've left your taste buds and nasal linings lose the coating of tar and nicotine cigarette smoking poses to themselves, so your sense of taste and smell improves This allows you to discover the taste and smell of food. The second symptom that may make you gain weight when you stop smoking, is that when you can no longer enjoy the pleasure of smoking, youMay substitute for your dining pleasure chemical in the smoke.

There are psychological symptoms. Smoking is often used as a crutch in times of stress or during social events. Nicotine activates the release of dopamine, a hormone that stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain, resulting in reduced stress. The first thing that smoking does not arise when a crisis is to light a cigarette for "Help me think," or "get out". Now, not only tobaccoreduces stress, but it became a habit mechanism for behavioral adaptation. Smoking also gives your hands something to do with social events and other situations where you may feel uncomfortable, so now c It is also a pacifier. The psychological symptoms you may have when you quit smoking are generally much more difficult to overcome and may last for years after quitting.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Quit smoking - Withdrawal Blues and How to Handle Them

One of the main barriers to quitting is the fear of uncomfortable symptoms caused by withdrawal from the body of nicotine. Just the thought of it can bring a lot of smokers in a sweat and make them quickly away on their decision to quit. One can not deny these feelings are true. But most peak after 48 hours. And how you deal with them is essential to your success in quitting.

The first experience of smoking is a sense of loss. It is aunpleasant sensation of emptiness in her voice painful that you are deprived of something. Just remember what you deny that nicotine, an addictive drug toxic that you kept in slavery since you first drew it in your lungs. Activity works well here. As part of your game plan quit smoking, you must establish a routine preferably in physical activity. Once you get involved in some sport or exercise, thoughts of smoking will fade.

Thenthere is the famous sense of irritability, which are an ex-smoker so hard to be around. You feel sad and tense because you're body is hungry for his usual setting of nicotine. Much of what you feel the results of your nervous system back to normal after years of focusing on nicotine stimulation. It normally last up to two weeks. Again call your tote tips - take deep breaths, walks, practice relaxation techniques, eating fruit ... what works foryou.

Finally and perhaps worst of all, there is the feeling that smoking is the most important thing in the world. There is nothing that can replace it. You try all the alternatives - eating, drinking juice, gum, everything. But nothing comes close. And you feel that without smoking, you'll never be able to have fun again. All you can do here is to breathe deeply, visualize, clean, and reassure you that this feeling will pass. It goes in a few minutes. It's comingback, but each time it will be weaker and weaker until one day you realize with joy that it's too late.

In reality, the blues of withdrawal are never as bad as people fear. What's more they do not last long, a month at most. And if you plan to quit-smoking game is up, you can handle easily. So do not delay. Making the decision to quit now. Set a date and prepare. It's not as hard as you think.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

34 Days as a non smoker

yuck he coughs the process of quitting smoking. ... cough "quit" the process of quitting "artchick" I Quit "no smoking" "No smoking" "will"

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Electric Smoke

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Facts Smoking - Why Quit Smoking

For those who know not commit to stop your smoking habits, we'll take a look at some facts of persuasion;

- Increases in mortality rates of smokers by 40% in those who smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day, 70% among those who smoke 10-19 a day, from 90% in those who smoke 20-39 a day, and 120% in those who smoke two packs or more per day.

-Research by the Canadian Lung Association has found that tobacco kills between 40,000-45,000 Canadians ayear, more than the total number of deaths caused by traffic accidents, AIDS, murder, fires, accidental poisoning and suicide.

-Half of smokers die from a disease resulting from smoking

The tobacco-related diseases kill approximately 438,000 U.S. citizens per year or 1,200 per day, making it the leading cause of preventable death in the United States

-According to WHO, tobacco kills more than one billion people this century.

-Those who have ever smoked tobacco are tenchances of developing lung Cancer. One in six men who continue to smoke tobacco developed lung Cancer.

"A particular risk of contacting diseases related to smoking is directly proportional to the length of time and amount of the individual continues to smoke. However, if a person stops smoking successfully their risks gradually decrease as the damage caused their body is repaired.

- The benefits of quitting are immediate:blood pressure, heart rate and temperature return to normal reduces the risk of heart attack and improves circulation.

-Children under 40 are five times more likely to have a heart attack if they smoke.

-Loss of teeth occurs 2 to 3 times more often among smokers than among non-smokers.

-Smoking kills sperm cells.

-The prevalence of erectile dysfunction is 85% higher in smokers than it is in non-smokers.

-Studies have shown that smoking contributes to manymiscarriages among pregnant smokers. Both firsthand and secondhand smoke contributes to an equal danger to the health of the fetus.

-There is a significant correlation between the syndrome of sudden infant death syndrome and smoking, a greater concentration of nicotine and cotinine is present in the lungs of these children than those who die of other causes.

Other diseases related to smoking: (courtesy of Wikipedia)

Many forms of cancer, particularly lung cancer, cancerthe kidney, cancer of the larynx and head and neck, breast, bladder, esophagus, pancreas and stomach. There is evidence suggesting an increased risk of myeloid leukemia, cancer cell sinus squamous cell cancer, liver cancer, cervical, colorectal cancer after an extended latency, childhood cancers and cancers of the gallbladder bladder, adrenal glands and small intestine.

Cardiovascular diseases
Peripheral vascular disease

The common cold and bronchitis
Chronic pulmonary obstructive emphysema and chronic bronchitis, especially
Congenital malformations in offspring of pregnant smokers
Buerger disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)
Cataracts which may cause blindness

Cognitive dysfunction
Increased risk of Alzheimer disease and decline in cognitive abilities
Reduced memory and cognitive abilities in adolescent smokers
Brain shrinkage (cerebral atrophy)

The number of people dying on both first and second hand smoke is staggering. The extent of smoking related diseases is enormous. Considering all the data compiled above, your risk of dying or contact and suffers from a painful disease often fatal to the direct result of you smoking is important.

While I tried to compile the data for this article, I was taken aback by the endless list if diseases and mortalitystatistics I found. I was well aware that smoking is dangerous and unhealthy habit, we are told that every day in the news, at an office of doctors and friends and family. However, most of us are unaware of the scope of serious health problems caused by smoking and not taking the warnings to heart. All smoking-if you're a mother, father, son or friend are both to yourself and your family at risk with your habit. The more we know the facts, the easierwill to act on our decision to quit.

The most important fact should be remembered is that, however - The benefits of quitting are immediate: blood pressure, heart rate and temperature return to normal reduces the risk of heart attack and movement improves.

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Quit Smoking Log - 6 months 10 days

Sometimes stressful situations can lead an ex-smoker to smoke. When times are tough, we must be strong mentally and overcome our weaknesses. Mind over matter. Health during the illness. The stress will pass and life will continue. You will not be a smoker again when the fog clears only smog "new". Peace, stay strong

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

The first day after quitting

The first 24 hours after you decide to stop smoking are the most difficult provided that you have planned for it you will be held in all the support and actions that are necessary to help you succeed.

This is the beginning of a new life when you become healthier and be able to achieve more without the need of a crutch to get through the day. It is a path to freedom and all the other benefits that come with smoking cessationincluding a higher disposable income.

You think you're going to quit because your belief will be the cornerstone of your success.

If you created some affirmations in your planning to quit, then it is time to use them and maintain a positive attitude.

You do not need to worry about picking up a cigarette, because it should not be available for you. Hopefully there will not be anyone else in your household who still smoke thatmakes things a little harder, but even if the situation you can succeed, because you realize all the benefits that your actions will bring.

You will most likely cravings, but you must understand that cravings are always only a short term feeling that will disappear in minutes.

Do not be tempted to make a cigarette to get rid of envy than simply waiting for a few minutes and focus on something other than cigaretteshave exactly the same effect - the cravings will disappear.

Shortly after you leave the cravings are at their most frequent. Each passing day the cravings become less frequent and they will also become less intense if you get both the first day, you may be pleased to know that life will become easier.

In those first 24 hours, it might seem that you are getting bombarded with cravings - one after another. The more activities you organized and well you've done your planning that there is less chance of emotional stumbling blocks, the more you will find the early hours.

However, the health benefits of quitting smoking are very exciting. On the first day, the amount of oxygen in the blood will radically and your energy will be too. The only problem tends to be the desire to hang on you like a shadow over your day.

Skip through the first part of the leave> Process of smoking and you'll be fit to quit smoking for good

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Quit smoking with hypnosis

Do you really want to become an X-smoker?

Have you ever tried to quit cold turkey? Just to experience a few days later, you still have a cigarette in hand, to feel discontent and defeat do not have it again?
By dint of their will, and always will be the solution for some people, but only a few percentile of people who quit smoking may do so by their own volition.
body, and because your subconscious is here to serve,will change your inner feelings in the direction you dictate.

Hypnosis is a very effective way to quit smoking!

The subconscious mind will always be able to find a good reason to keep smoking. Even if her very aware that smoking is harmful, and that your body does not really. But if you can find another way to meet your domestic needs, your subconscious will be happy to cooperate.

Because the fact remains that yoursubconscious will cooperate if smoking is now filled, is replaced by something else (eg drinking water, eating fruits, etc etc) and even the strongest of will can not fool the subconscious for a long time. During hypnosis, we will be able to cooperate with the subconscious, and the guide to fill your needs with something healthy for your

Smoking Cessation

By quitting smoking with hypnosis, you will experience that you no longer feel theneed to smoke, even at the party, he will no longer be an important part of your thinking, in fact, it feels like you've never smoked. All signs of addiction will be gone. Everything is in balance you convince your subconscious that it is safe and good for you to stop smoking for it to fill you with positive feelings such as trust and calm. The subconscious need that used to be filled with tobacco, after treatment of hypnosis completely changed and filled with new feelings and you will have access to many strong resources inside.

There will be no or very little and vague thoughts of smoking, irritation or restlessness, and instead you will be filled with calm, very relaxed and in control of the weather you smoke or not !

Are you motivated to quit smoking?

Motivation is a crucial factor in the cessation of smoking, you can not leave> Smoking just because your doctor tells you, because its expensive, or because it annoys the rest of the family. None of these reasons are new to you, and you always have to smoke! What is needed regarding the motivation is that you are highly motivated to quit smoking.

Thought and feeling like "I'm tired of smoking, and all she did for me" and / or "I hate the fact that smoking controls my life and my way of thinking is what you really needand the basis of a successful smoking cessation.

Eating and weight problems

Many people continue to smoke because they have tried before and ended up taking a lot of weight, and they fear it happening again.

When you stop smoking with hypnosis you will not be replacing one bad habit for another, so you do not need the fear of gaining weight. You will not feel the need for excessive eating or extra candy.
Any hypnotherapist trained and will be responsibleconduct a thorough interview before any hypnosis is made to ensure that it works with you in the right direction.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The benefits to you after you stop smoking

Although many smokers may think that the damage is already present or it is too late for the sentence, scientific studies show the opposite. Studies say the benefits are immediate, while long-term results.

Do you know that in just the first hour after you stop smoking your heart rate and decrease blood pressure, while the internal temperature of your hands and feet will increase? Smoking on the other hand, the constriction of blood vessels, whileincreased heart rate, because the compounds produced in the body. Once you flush toxins from the body, it will return to its normal state of being.

In just a few hours, levels of carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal. Smoking exposes you to CO, which binds to hemoglobin - the molecule that helps carry oxygen in the bloodstream. However, this will reduce the amount of oxygen available. CO levels will decrease, thereby increasingoxygen available, while encouraging him to do his job properly, but the food of all tissues, working to sustain your life.

The risk of a heart attack would be a downturn after the first 24 hours. Change your nerve endings, 48 hours after quitting smoking, since the stimulation induced by soaking in nicotine reduced drastically. You begin to recover your natural feelings, while at the same time, your sense of smell and taste begins its recovery. Yousense of smell is much stronger, then you notice that food tastes fresher than it was a long time.

Within a couple of weeks, the craving for nicotine tapers off, only to return, if at random times during the following months. The circulatory system begins to recover, while gradually the ability to exercise without shortness of breath or wheezing occurs. You will be able to perform normally again in the coming weeks and months as you begin a regular exerciseroutine.

Sinus congestion and cough, frequent smokers begins to decline significantly in the coming months. Your overall energy level increases, while the fatigue induced by the smoke begins to decline as systems of your body to regenerate a peak level of functioning.

Stroke risk decreases sharply, while you keep your long-term commitment to quit smoking. Do you know that the risk doubled among smokers compared to non-smokers? In one year, it reduces by half.Within five to fifteen years, the risk drops down to the level of those who have never even picked up a cigarette.

Similar risks of larynx or lung Cancer, pancreas, bladder and others will drop to that of a lifelong non-smoker. Studies show that 87% of lung Cancers are those who are a long-term heavy smoker. When you stop smoking, you remove yourself from that group within a few short years.

Stopping smoking is a permanent commitment to long-term health. Its replacement leads to an increased risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, various Cancers, COPD and other serious medical complications. You can overcome the difficulties when you stop smoking now!

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quitting smoking is the way to Good Health

Smoking kills about 300,000 in the United States each year, and most of these people are elderly. Lung Cancer and emphysema are the best known results unfortunate. However, the accelerated development of atherosclerosis is the most important problem resulting from smoking. This leads to heart attacks and strokes, heart pains, leg pains, and many other problems. Pipe and cigar smoking are not the pulmonary consequences that cigarette> Smoking is, but they do predispose to Cancer of the mouth and tongue. The nicotine in all its forms has the same adverse effect on small blood vessels and thus accelerates development of atherosclerosis.

It is never too late to quit. Only two years after stopping smoking, your risk of heart attack returns to average. It has actually decreased substantially the very next day! After ten years your risk of lung cancer is back to almost normal. AfterOnly two years ago a decreased risk of lung cancer perhaps by one third. The development of emphysema is arrested for many people when they quit smoking, although this condition does not reverse.

Seniors often feel it is too late for changes in lifestyle to have beneficial effects on their health. Not so. Most seniors have plenty of time to get important health benefits of quitting. Remember that after age 65 men live an average of more than 15.4years and women 19.2 years. Chances of stroke and heart attack start to fall immediately after you leave. In addition, you will notice immediately that your environment has become more friendly when you're not a smoker. Many of the daily hassles that impair the quality of your life go away when you stop offending others by this habit.

Many health educators are skeptical about swinging slowly and stress that you need to stop completely. This may not always be true for the elderly. Forsome people, rationing is a good way to get their smoking to a much lower level, at which point it may be easier to stop completely. For example, the simple decision not to smoke in public can both help your health and decrease your daily hassles. At slaughter, keep in the package of cigarettes as cigarettes that you will leave this day. Smoke cigarettes only halfway down before extinguishing them.

There are many stop smoking courses offered through American Cancer Society, American Lung Association and local hospitals. Most people will not need it, but they can be useful. Try by yourself first. Then if you still need help, do so. Chewing nicotine gum or patches can help some people quit smoking, and your doctor may give you a prescription and advice. Do not count on this as a long term solution, because the nicotine in gum or patch is just as bad for your arteries as the nicotine in cigarettes.

The challenge to stop> Smoking is an example of your ability to make your own choice if you're stuck in your fight against addiction, even smaller, you can not make your own choices. Victory over smoking behaviors improves your mental health, partly because it is a difficult victory. It may open the door to success in other areas.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

that CPAP treatment is for you, you will be asked to wear the nasal mask every night. During this treatment, you may have to make a significant change in lifestyle. This change could be to lose weight, stop smoking or adopting a new exercise regime. Before the invention of nasal CPAP, a recommended action plan for a patient suffering from sleep apnea or habitual snoring was a tracheostomy, or creating a temporary opening of the trachea. The CPAP ...

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Up in smoke

An animated video and live action on the subject of smoking. Funny and frank. ... to quit smoking lung cancer animation

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Are you serious about quitting smoking?

Why is it that every article you read, every commercial you see, almost everything supposedly designed to help you quit smoking comes with a price attached? It seems that 99% of the articles I read to quit smoking have been written by someone trying to sell you something to help you stop. Why is this? Why can not all be honest about the idea of quitting and just tell you that by the nature of the new birth you gaveeverything you need to quit smoking. If you're serious about quitting, you can do without spending a penny.

Before you start thinking that I am completely full of shit, here me out. I smoked at least a pack a day for almost fifteen years and walked away from smoking once and for all. And I did it without spending a penny, and there was no Drawls or with any other negative effect. I just stopped smoking. Was thereWhen I wanted a cigarette? Of course, there was, but I simply would not have one. I realized during the shutdown process, it was natural that I want a cigarette. I mean my body was used to having a name of God! A person gets used to everything after engaging in this for 15 years. The main thing is that I stopped and I know you can as well. Below is a list of things I found to be important in the process of quitting:

Change your thinking - That's right, you must change your thinking smoking about and quit. Everyone tells you how difficult it is. Do not believe this stuff. Tell yourself it'll be easier to quit because he was starting. Remember this quote: "Change your way of looking at things and the things you look at change."

Change your environment - it was important for me to stay away from smoking(especially early). I stopped going to places where everyone smoked. I stopped dragging smokers over long periods of time. I stayed as far from smokers as I could. I even changed my job (a job that many people smoked).

Do not Believe The Hype - There's a ton of hype surrounding the act of smoking cessation. Everyone wants to convince you that quitting is a difficult proposition. I tell you from experience thatit's not that difficult. Quitting smoking is as difficult as you "believe" it will, it's as simple as that. The hype is all designed to sell you something to supposedly quitting easier. All the hype is nothing but a great machine sales.

Hopefully these tips will help to kick the Cancer sticks once and for all. It was really that simple for me, and I know it will for you too. What you think is the key factor. Remember the Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe said of belief, "Man is made by his belief. As he believes, then he is. "Just believe that you have this thing licked and smoking you do.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My mentor Part 1 / 2

Season 1 Episode 2 Part 1 / 2 JD tries to persuade a smoker patient to quit smoking in order to impress Dr. Cox, who feels alone in his opinion. Elliot attitude towards Carla annoys her, that Turk is able to go on a date with Carla, when he convinces her to forgive Elliot.

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